It’s not a matter of producing enough food for everyone. We already do that. The issue is primarily getting the food to everyone. Part of the difficulties are transportation but primarily starvation is a matter of bad/corrupt governments and war. No amount of money is going to stop wars. And 3 billion USD will not overthrow Kim Jong Un so there would still be hunger in North Korea even with 3 billion USD spent.
Go to the [wiki list of famines]( and you’ll see that all of the recent famines were caused or hampered by human conflict/government.
You hear about starvation in America but there’s absolutely no reason to starve in America. There are food kitchens everywhere. Public schools provide lunches and breakfasts for low income families. Food stamps are available. People do indeed go hungry and some are not getting the food they need but there’s no need for anyone in America to starve.
Could also be what their brain told them as they were dreaming that was absolute gobbledygook.
Solving world hunger? Easy. Kill 99% of the population and start with the fucking cunt bankers.
Did you make your own version of the ‘cant sleep brain’ meme by just changing a few small things?
That damned smile
Same feeling, even more disturbing stuff
I wank and fall asleep
You and me both dude, you and me both…
*boner rises*
It’s not a matter of producing enough food for everyone. We already do that. The issue is primarily getting the food to everyone. Part of the difficulties are transportation but primarily starvation is a matter of bad/corrupt governments and war. No amount of money is going to stop wars. And 3 billion USD will not overthrow Kim Jong Un so there would still be hunger in North Korea even with 3 billion USD spent.
An example: Back in the 1980s Ethiopia was going through a drought and had huge issues with starvation. Westerners raised millions of dollars for food and [a great deal of that money ended up going towards weapons](
Go to the [wiki list of famines]( and you’ll see that all of the recent famines were caused or hampered by human conflict/government.
You hear about starvation in America but there’s absolutely no reason to starve in America. There are food kitchens everywhere. Public schools provide lunches and breakfasts for low income families. Food stamps are available. People do indeed go hungry and some are not getting the food they need but there’s no need for anyone in America to starve.
His brain is ET?
Eat the homeless. Two birds, 1 stone.