can this game please not be left in the dust and actually get 1 or 2 or several prizes?
View Reddit by hugoreturns – View Source
can this game please not be left in the dust and actually get 1 or 2 or several prizes?
View Reddit by hugoreturns – View Source
This was still my biggest surprise “wow this is fun” game this year so far. I rarely stick to one game at a time these days and I beat this within a few nights I think
There’s some stiff competition this year. In another year there would be less of a question about the game’s award potential.
Hifi rush is pretty fun and Its quite a unique idea too and feels very similar to devil may cry
This is the best game Microsoft has put out this generation. But I don’t see it winning many awards, this year is too packed with great games.
It’s wild how excellent this game is. And I have absolutely no confidence in it getting the praise it deserves long-term because it’s an Xbox exclusive.
I can see it being nominated for best audio design, best soundtrack, best art direction and best action game. If it will win any of those? We have to wait, competition is hard
Best soundtrack or something like that at least
I had A LOT of fun with this for about 2 hours. Then suddenly not so much. It played its hand too quickly, I think
Why do you care
No. Too many far superior games this year. Probably legitimately 7-8 games that deserve GOTY and top awards in almost any given category. And this isn’t one of them. Not a diss on the game, just this year has been total fire.
I love this game but so many heavy hitters came out this year…
With all the competition that’s come out this year, it’s just not up there at the top unfortunately.
It’s funny if you think about why people were surprised by the success of the game.
People complained that devs don’t make games like they used to. so devs made a game like they used to. And then people liked the game because it feels like how old games used to. The formula was so simple that nobody believed how effective it was
If it doesn’t win anything, will it change the enjoyment you had with it?
This is the only x-box exclusive I’ve seen so far that makes me sad I can’t play it
This probably win best xbox game of the year. Nothing against starfield, but hi fi rush was loads of fun.
It’s an alright game. Way overrated, though. If it hadn’t shadow dropped on Game Pass during a big show, it would be sitting deep in the store with 4 user reviews right now. Just one of those things, right place right time. Not anything that should win awards though, at least imho.
Why though? Sure it’s fun but it doesn’t really do anything better than other games that have released this year.
Best music is its strongest category and Baldurs Gate 3 H’s some great songs.
I hated this. Bored as hell.
It’s the sleeper of sleepers. But it should NOT be slept on
Unpopular opinion: GOTY should strictly be for original IPs and sequels, spins off or remakes should be disqualified.
I loved this game. It was so well done
This is my personal game of the year. Nothing has topped just the absolute fun atmosphere and gameplay of this game.
Game will live on as a cult classic. I played through it on a MacBook Pro via XCloud thanks to $1 Gamepass trial ‘cause I don’t have an Xbox or gaming PC. The visuals and presentation were outstanding, my biggest qualms were with the gameplay. Still, it felt like a PS2 era game in a way that’s been sorely missed. Probably not in my personal top 10 this year ‘cause this years been so stacked but great game
Until Baldur’s Gate 3 it was my game of the year.
It has Denuvo so it deserves nothing by that alone.
I loved it but this has been an incredible year for game release. Add it to the fact that stylish action doesn’t really get the same amount of attention like RPGs and FPS ones means it’s got a high hill to climb.
Hope it does though.
Great game but it doesn’t have a chance. Too big a year. What category should it win?
I think it’ll get nominated for Art and Audio categories, but as far as winning that’s a hard one to say. Honestly I think it has the best chance to win Art Direction. GOTY and potentially even Soundtrack are looking very Baldur’s Gate 3-y
not before we get a Sunset Overdrive 2.
Honestly with all the amazing games that have come out this year this game is still on my Top 5.
Amazing game definitely deserves something.
This game came out of nowhere and surprised the hell out of me
i think dave the diver was better
Playing this right now and this is the most fun I’ve had playing a video game in a long long while.
It came in like the wind, it’ll leave a legend. Trust the process.
great game ? yes. GOTY material with this years competition.. ehh
I had a friggin blast with it at first and kept looking for the magic for several hours, It just dosn’t hold out after the honeymoon phase.
The game awards are pretty much bullshit, almost as much as the Oscars tbh. I only tune into it to see the new game announcements etc. it’s just a popularity contest and as sad as it is, photorealistic triple A is the name of the game. They can’t even get their game genres right, I couldn’t believe they put Sifu in fighting games lmao
It’s a fun game but gets repetitive after like 2 hours. The soundtrack absolutely slaps, though.
Jeez, it came out this year? 2023 has been absolutely stacked
i got this game on release just for my pc to be unable to run it 🙁
then i upgraded my PC, but haven’t gotten again yet. need a couple more upgrades i think, notably i need a new motherboard.
I feel like it’s a lock for sound design at the very least.
This is my GOTY, the game that reignited my passion for video games, honest 10/10 and I’ve never even really enjoyed this genre
Fabulous game. I have bought it recently for Xbox X and it’s refreshing to play. The 2D graphics are something we need in current time. Though I suck at beat and parry but enjoying it so far
why was this deleted
what rule did i break