Calling it a day [OC]
View Reddit by joedoe23 – View Source
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Calling it a day [OC]
View Reddit by joedoe23 – View Source
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Always a good decision
That’s a good day, good decision.
I’m feeling good and relaxed just seeing this picture!
I love to call it a day! Enjoy! Relaxing is a great feeling! 👍
You’ve worked hard and you deserve it!
Beautiful garden
Soon you will be blinded. Best put your shades on.
This is gonna be me when my homebrew is ready next week.
Where’s this at? So beautiful
Brew with a view! Nice!
you cant relax! look at all those weeds
It’s only 11am when I’m seeing this so I think I’ll take the day off too. This looks great.
I would call it a day too. In fact, I call all of them days.
I have a beer but not that view 🙁
Saw the beer and had to get a beer
This is the prefect thread for grown folks. Sending love from Baltimore.
I think it’s a good idea!
Can we join you?
Yards with good foliage are sexy as hell
Literally me right now.
I mean, I’m pretty sure it’s a day. In a couple hours tho it’ll be a night.
Just woke up now, but I’m about ready to call it α day myself
It’s probably 3:12 pm…I’d call it day too until roughly 7-8 pm depending on your location when night arrives. Cheers.
What else would you call it? A night? THATS WRONG
Reminds me of the [Bill Hicks](https://youtu.be/tGjuPJskNRE?t=9) joke, You every watch CNN..for 20 hours?!
I feel this in my soul
Sort of looks like Switzerland or Austria
Get back to work!
Little slice of heaven
Awesome place
That’s a great backyard. Cheers!
And what a great day to call it!:)
that 8am light through your trees is amazing. keep it up bud
God’s 7th day, Genesis, POV
Friday afternoon here , so I’m calling it …. A week …cheers
I absolutely love this picture actually, such a pure emotional setting
Nice lawn OP, what is that tree in the right called? It looks so good 😊
Beautifull weather