Saturday, September 28All That Matters

Buying a new game and reading the manual used to be so satisfying.

Buying a new game and reading the manual used to be so satisfying.

It was like buying an album and reading the lyrics along with the song. Yeah, I feel old now..

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  • beautiful_quinn245

    this took me straight back to when I was a kid playing zelda with my brother and a neighbor gave us something similar to this but from the game zelda ocarina of time

  • Millera34

    Lol never read the manual even as a kid. Never understood why anyone would when controls and whatever story there may be is in game. Its just a waste of paper

  • Fender_Stratoblaster

    People are looking up everything and blasting through games anymore, missing all the discovery. And then bitching because the game wasn’t longer or they got too overpowered. Yeah, when you find every secret you can get to online you might skew the game balance a little, dolt.

  • Ashtronaut12

    I read the manual for Warcraft 3 the whole time I was out shopping with my mom the day we picked it up. It was a blast and the reason why when my friends asked “why are we doing this?” in wow that i typically had an answer.

  • readyuser4

    This is why I only by physical (even if there really isn’t manuals anymore…) something about the boxes and all of the contents in it are so amazing.

  • MembershipThrowAway2

    I always sat and excitedly read the manual on the way home. When I got my license I developed the routine of buying my game and then reading through the manual in the parking lot before even thinking about driving home to play lol

  • LeonRoland

    Oh man I didn’t know I missed this.

    The [Twisted Metal III manual]( had a section with little bios for the drivers with a picture of them with their vehicles. I remember being excited to see the driver of Darkside, my favorite vehicle. There was a picture of his Rig, but he was absent. The caption below read:

    “Mr. Ash does not reflect light so he can’t be photographed.”

    I thought that was the coolest shit I’d ever heard of. I think it sparked my love of grimdark in general, right then.

  • LurkerOrHydralisk

    I’m fine with the change to everything being digital.

    I just wish the care were taken to explain things properly like was done in those manuals.

    Some of them were practically books.

  • FireManiac58

    I believe this is one of the appeals of the game Tunic. There’s little guiding but the game provides you with a manual which you gives you the information you need and clues to solve puzzles. I haven’t played it yet so can’t confirm

  • -Puss_In_Boots-

    Reading MGS’s manual for ps2 was something else.

    I was quite young back then, but the game felt like it had so many mechanics, the manual was the training you had to get before being deployed in the jungle.

  • timeywimey-Moriarty

    I loved reading the manuals. Back in the DS era, I disliked using my R4 because it meant that I couldn’t have the physical manual.

    Also loved sniffing the pages of the manual.

  • Taratus

    Reading a manual was one of the best ways to hype yourself up for the game, it not only gave you background information on the game’s setting, characters and history, but important details that fed into things like gameplay mechanics. It got you excited and primed to play the game without feeling like a boring training manual.

    It’s just not the same when you can download a game. And even if the game comes with a manual, it’s not going to compare to the greats back in the day, plus no one is ever going to bother reading it on their computer screen.

    I think their loss is one of the reasons why so many players bounce off of games that don’t have in-depth tutorials: they just download the game and expect everything to be explained to them.

  • Valuable-Trick-6711

    Meanwhile, kids these days: “Manual? What you need a manual for? You put the disc in the console.”

    I know it helps save on wasted paper but man, some games went so unnecessarily hard on those.

  • zili91

    I remember reading the manuals from RPGs like Neverwinter Nights, TES Oblivion, World of Warcraft etc. They were filled to the brim with cool lore stuff and I absolutely loved reading them back then.

    Nowadays I only get a piece of paper telling me to buy a DLC if I’m lucky 😭

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