I went to see this movie when I was 15 and still quite sheltered and naïve. The movie shocked me so bad. I didn’t know human beings could be so cruel. As far as the “piggy” scenes, I didn’t know what sodomy was so I was freaking out.
Burt Reynolds lived in my small hometown when this was being filmed in a house called “The Tara”. It was a huge staple and one of the towns shining moments outside of the horrid corvette ad our Chevy dealer put out 😂
Burt told this story about Ned Beatty on that movie.
Ned approached him and wasn’t sure he wanted the roll because of the rape scene. He didn’t want to be known as the guy that got raped.
Brut told him, “You know this business, two weeks after the movie goes off the screen, no one will remember it.”
“So he did the roll and since that time he has been nominated for Oscars and won numerous awards for his acting in movies and onstage. Today people walk up to him and say, Aren’t you that guy that got raped in Deliverance?”
I’ve camped and fished on that river, gorgeous almost felt like untouched land. We ended up taking some shrroms one day down by the river, couldn’t stop joking about potential run ins with the “locals”.
I was 13 and my dad and I were about to embark on a 2 week canoe trip down the Yukon river. The night before we were going to leave, *Deliverance* was on TV and I really wanted to watch it because it was a canoe movie!
Fortunately my parents were familiar enough with the film to make sure I didn’t watch it.
He needs a license to carry them guns.
He made many squeal in his day.
Dude was insanely ripped for back then.
“Good look tapping that hot… hot… Sally Field tail….”
Awesome movie. If you have not seen it you need to. Asap.
What’s Ned Beatty doing?
You could drown a toddler in my panties. – Pam Poovey (talking about Burt)
I went to see this movie when I was 15 and still quite sheltered and naïve. The movie shocked me so bad. I didn’t know human beings could be so cruel. As far as the “piggy” scenes, I didn’t know what sodomy was so I was freaking out.
That’s a beefy ass arm
Turd Ferguson been liftin
Burt Reynolds lived in my small hometown when this was being filmed in a house called “The Tara”. It was a huge staple and one of the towns shining moments outside of the horrid corvette ad our Chevy dealer put out 😂
Reynolds Stacked
Digging this version of Hawkeye.
Suns out, guns out
That’s a man right there
Burt was just hot. Charming and funny too. At least that’s how he came off
on Johnny Carson.
“Must be Burt Reynolds or something.”
Dude was jacked
That was one intense movie. Never understood the reason behind it, but thrill kill.
Everything was purpley in the ‘70s
Burt told this story about Ned Beatty on that movie.
Ned approached him and wasn’t sure he wanted the roll because of the rape scene. He didn’t want to be known as the guy that got raped.
Brut told him, “You know this business, two weeks after the movie goes off the screen, no one will remember it.”
“So he did the roll and since that time he has been nominated for Oscars and won numerous awards for his acting in movies and onstage. Today people walk up to him and say, Aren’t you that guy that got raped in Deliverance?”
Burt was nails. People shouldn’t forget.

I’ve camped and fished on that river, gorgeous almost felt like untouched land. We ended up taking some shrroms one day down by the river, couldn’t stop joking about potential run ins with the “locals”.
Banjos were never the same after watching this movie….

I never realized how huge that man’s arms were during his prime.
He was a beef castle

Watched it when I was 12 or something. Fked me up. What a film.
That vest was so freaking bad ass. Legendary wardrobe decision
Lana what do I remind of you of?
He was 35 years old here…
Dude is JACKED
Burt’s talent is on full display in Boogie Nights.
No wonder Archer is so gay for him
I was 13 and my dad and I were about to embark on a 2 week canoe trip down the Yukon river. The night before we were going to leave, *Deliverance* was on TV and I really wanted to watch it because it was a canoe movie!
Fortunately my parents were familiar enough with the film to make sure I didn’t watch it.
Directed by John Boorman. Who also gave us Excalibur.
And, Zardoz.
That movie made me want to avoid that part of the country…

A.I. + Google Photos color resto.
My grandpa made me watch this movie the night before my first camping trip when I was 8.
Makes sense to me now why Sterling Archer was so obsessed with him.
“Poor Ned Beatty, he can play Rudy’s dad all he wants but when we look at him all we see is him getting rammed in the woods.” Roger American Dad.
Seeing as everyone has had a go at colour correction, here’s my attempt…
To most people the movie is called Deliverance. In Alabama it’s known as the greatest love story ever told..