Bud Abbott argues math with Lou Costello, who claims that 7 into 13 equals 28
View Reddit by MulciberTenebras – View Source
Bud Abbott argues math with Lou Costello, who claims that 7 into 13 equals 28
View Reddit by MulciberTenebras – View Source
I have had heated arguments over politics that are uncannily similar to this exchange. I no longer argue fucking politics.
>Did you go to school, stupid?
>Yeah, I came out stupid too.
Genuinely got a laugh out of me.
Terrance Howard’s Terryology in a nutshell! 😆
Who’s on first?
“You ever go to school, stupid?”
“Yeah and I came out the same way.”
Is the third guy Shemp?
ever went to school stupid?
yah n i came out the same way
That’s pretty great. All three times it hinges on him treating the 10 of 13 as a 1 instead. Since 4 by 7 is 28 it all works out
Drawing a hook to hang his hat, that’s some Chalkzone shit hah
Reminds me of the movie Sailor Beware!
But who’s on first?
As a math teacher, I probably see this kind of thinking 28 times a day.
Love me some Abbott and Costello. One of my favorite quick bits is [two tens for a five.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7pMYHn-1yA)
I love how the tray of donuts is arranged in 4 rows and 7 columns!
God I miss my youth.
This the kind of writing and comedy we need.
I love Abbots math skills
I love these guys, oddly enough I’ve never seen that one before thanks.
It’s giving [working out every other day](https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=107926751&page=1)
My personal fav rendition of this: https://youtu.be/lzxVyO6cpos
I always thought it was a shame that they hated each other.
This used to be a comedy routine, now it’s a Facebook quiz for “geniuses.”
Reddit arguments in a nutshell.
I always forget how to do math after seeing things like this.
I start precalculus tomorrow. I’m gonna do this as soon as I walk into class.
This is how I feel teaching my classroom of 4th graders sometimes! 🤦♀️
I’m not just saying this so you watch it but I loved the end with the hat. The math checks out too
This feels like arguing with trump folks.
This is fantastic
Ma and Pa Kettle had a [similar sketch in Ma and Pa Kettle: Back on the Farm](https://youtu.be/jSrPlf4GBHc?t=68), where 25% / 5 = 14%.
Just casually swipes a Buster Keaton gag for the end there. Great skit though.
Damn its so ingenious its practically retarded
When assembly doesn’t trust you multiplying anything
Something interesting to note is he ‘proves’ 7 into 28 is 13 in 3 different ways, but he uses the same trick or property each time.
28 divided by 7: 7 doesn’t go into 2. But it goes into 8 1 time, leaving behind 21 which 7 goes into 3 times. 28 – 1*7 = 21 = 3*7
13 times 7: 7 times 3 is 21. 7*1 is 7. Add them up and what do you get? 28 = 1*7 + 3*7. Just the above rearranged.
They should’ve just Googled it 🙄 /s
I was born in 1983, I was weirdly obsessed with old time radio shows, I would go to sleep listening to cassette tapes of abbott and costello, and well as blondie. I still sing the old palmolive and camel jingles. As a kid, my mom said I was born in the wrong generation. Now as a 38 year old, my wife says the same thing.
Damn, I could literally feel my brain melting from that.
Also wtf is with those 13s? Who makes a Christmas tree out of addition?
Very clever.
It’s common core math.
He’s so smart in his own cute little way
Uhm who did this first ??? [Trespatines](https://youtu.be/WPYLUL_14BU) this was a Cuban comedian
Wow I wonder if this was the inspiration for the Mr Show sketch [24 Is the Highest Number](https://dula.tv/videos/24-is-the-highest-number/)
“7… 13… I gotta give it to them” kills me