Broke down today and bought this at a gaming expo. I know it’s overpriced..
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Broke down today and bought this at a gaming expo. I know it’s overpriced..
View Reddit by TheManDirtyDan – View Source
Nothing is overpriced if it makes you happy.
I paid $500 for a late 90s digivice
Money can sometimes buy happiness
How much did you pay?
How much did you pay?
How much is overpriced?
I’ve been looking into purchasing one go those “all in one” arcade panels specifically for fighting games. I recently saw one that included MvC2.
Fightcade bro
I wanna take you for a ride.
One of my all time favorites
Hands down my favorite fighting game of all time.
I played this on Dreamcast. Loved it.
i felt those first 3 words of the title…
We’re never going to get a fighting game as good as this ever. Solid gameplay, almost no glitches and 64 characters. Nowadays we’re lucky if a game has 20 at launch.
I worked at a Gamestop around 08-09. We had a case and manual but no disc for MvC2 on PS2. Since it was effectively worthless I took it just for the novelty of it. Always thinking to myself that one day I would find a loose disc cheaper to complete it.
Then a few years ago I was reorganizing my games and saw the case. I opened it up and there was a disc in it and in damn near perfect condition. It was a minor miracle!
Now, I’m sure that means that at some point I must have found and bought the disc, and who knows how much I paid at the time. But I have absolutely ZERO recollection of every buying a disc. If it was a drunk buy or something, thanks drunk me!
It might be overpriced but oh so totally worth it
One of my favorite games ever. How much?
Fucking Ice Man never taking chip damage lol wtf
Probably my favorite fighting game of all time and I’m not even a big fighting game fan, but this game really took me for a ride! 😏
Bought it on release for $40. Still have it on the shelf. It was funny when just months after release, used copies were being sold for $80.
I want Capcom to do a VS bundle so bad. From Children of the Atom(featuring Akuma) through Marvel vs Capcom 2. And everything in-between.
You done good
Jill, Magneto and Ken/Spidey are my team A
Edit: spelling
It’s wild that the only in-print version of this game is a 3/4 scale arcade cabinet.
One of the best fighting games of all time right there
I’d be more tempted by a copy of Capcom vs SNK2.
But still, good game. Glad you got something you like!
I really want the 1997 Marvel Super Heroes game on PlayStation. It was one of my favorite games growing up.
Lucked out on this 10 years ago, only payed $50 for it.
How much did you pay for it
I want to get a Dreamcast just for the Dreamcast version of this game but god damn it’s expensive
What do you mean “I know it’s overpriced”? We can’t see the price.
It is, imho, the greatest fighting game ever made. I wish I could challenge you and enjoy a case of beer. I wouldn’t even give a shit if you whooped my ass the whole time.
Best fighting game! 10/10 all the way
Damn this game is a work of art! golden times for me.
I loved when they made the art 2d rather than this new 3d crap. This was way more interesting and appealing to look at.
Pretty sure Dreamcast was the best version. Although this is a close second, good find.
I loved this on the dreamcast, my brother and me still break this out!
I have the arcade game board in the basement
SoCal Gaming Expo ?
Years ago my cousin and I bought this game for I think 90 bucks, then the next day his dog destroyed the game
I have a 360 that I keep just because I still have the digital re-release of it that you can’t buy anymore. About once a year will get the guys together and light this up.
PS2 though I believe had issues and was the worst home port.
No shame brother. I would done the same
One of the reasons I keep my PS3 still hooked up. Lots of great games that had licensing issues come up and make them a hassle to play, a real shame.
one of the rarer PS2 games too, and a great one. Got mine appraised at 150
For fellow MVC2 lovers, I highly recommend Dragon Ball Fighterz
How about sharing the price buddy. Otherwise we don’t care it’s overpriced
Ryu, Iron Man and Cable was the best combo. Highest hits with all their beams
Can’t believe that my 12 year old self in 2002 had the foresight to buy this MSRP at $40 and never sell/get rid of it. Still in the collection 20 years later.