Bro thought he was gonna be a hero
Bro thought he was gonna be a hero
by u/LetterheadTiny6156 in funny
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Bro thought he was gonna be a hero
Bro thought he was gonna be a hero
by u/LetterheadTiny6156 in funny
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Holt crap what movie is this
When I first saw this in the movie, it instantly made my top ‘WTF Moment’ list. 😂
Those are some spicy grenades.
What are they putting in those grenades
Maybe he didn’t want to be hero, he wanted to be cool, hitting mountain with explosion
Glavenus while youre charging a gs aimed for its head
So apparently he pulled the pin out of 2 nukes instead of frag grenades
Clever girl
Eli never could do anything genuine
OMG did he dieded?
If its any compensation, Kong arrives to save them because he probably heard that loud explosion
He was a hero. He was willing to sacrifice himself to save everybody by taking a huge risk to kill that monster. It outplayed him. That doesn’t change what he tried to do. That man stepped in front of Death who was hungry and eyeing his friends and said, “Hey fuckface. Over here.”
Home run!
Best scene in the movie by a landslide
I mean, why not just throw?
You gotta subvert those expectations.
That was so damn disrespectful lmao! 😂
I remember seeing this in theaters high off a 500mg edible and I had to muffle my laughter because no one in the theater was laughing at this. I’m so glad people find it funny now
Getting denied like this after building up the biggest courage in his life is the saddest scene of the entire frenchise. :c
He took a hard hit but didn’t fumble the footballs.
Happens to the best of us
I love this movie so much. The characters and tone act like it’s an old war movie, but the film realizes it’s also about a giant monkey beating things up, so it’s also never *totally* serious with itself.
*Kong: Skull Island, btw
He really blew it.
When they cut to the guys walking through the water, I would have sworn that was Tropic Thunder.
First 3 seconds I was excited because I thought I was watching Tropic Thunder.
Then I got sad because it wasn’t.
Then tail whip.
Lots of people saying that Kong: Skull Island is underrated, which it is. Super fun popcorn flick. But nobody is talking about how it’s one of the most stunningly gorgeous films ever put to pixels (or celluloid). Every other shot is a goddamn painting.
Last I heard, the director was top in the running for a Metal Gear Solid movie, and if that happens you should all be very, very excited.
The Monster Hunter movie we deserved.
The amount of times I’ve been tail whipped into the nearby hillside whilst placing a blast toad is too damn high.