Brave woman Saffiyah Khan confronting a member of the far-right English Defense League (2017)
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Brave woman Saffiyah Khan confronting a member of the far-right English Defense League (2017)
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He gives off strong “I’ve never been this close to a woman” vibes.
Saffiyah Khan in this picture is really an inspiration to Britain’s Asians, women and other minorities too. This picture is from 2017 in Birmingham during an EDL protest, they reportedly harassed a Muslim woman on the street which led to Khan stepping up.
I hope those officers were just removing her cause of him and not because they found what she was doing unlawful and not what he was doing
Dam shes rad. Shes even got a specials shirt on.
Oi, killer Specials T-Shirt too!
She has a look of “I know you’re a piece of shit, everything you say is an embarrassment to yourself, and I enjoy that my presence makes you angry.” Badass.
I have no knowledge of this. But i like her beautiful smile the whole time. While the guy looks like a dumb angry cunt.
i like how the cop in the bottom right is smiling
Turns out she gave a TED Talk.
These guys know that the Angles, Saxons and Jutes are not originally from Britain, right? Neither are the Celts, for that matter. Why don’t they go back where they came from?
She was even approached by The Specials after the picture went viral and invited to feature the song “10 Commandments” on their 2019 album “Encore”.
EDL. What exactly are they defending?
The right to be laughed at by beautiful women with excellent taste in fashion and music?
Looking at the arms on that man, I bet he’s a threat to drywall everywhere.
I love her face in the left photo. It is so defiant.
That’s the smile of a true alpha.
I used to have that exact same teeshirt 42 years ago. Glad to see they are still rocking it.
Cops in the UK and Nordic countries look like just everyday people compared to cops in the US who all look mostly like each other.
In one of the panels, the little twerp (she’s at least three inches taller) looks like he raised his arm for a punch and someone grabbed his arm. And her with that killer smile the whole while.
Who are these asshats? I’m out of the loop
The fact that this woman is standing up for something and all the comments have to say is how pretty she is really tells you how Reddit prioritizes the important of women…
Thats what a lifetime of entitlement can make you do
Great taste in music.
I appreciate her smile and confidence, but it almost seems like the look of someone who doesn’t realize that is could go bad for her very quickly.
So brave with that policeman right there
Fuck EDL
She was performing with the Specials when I saw them a couple years ago. She’s quite tall, around 6 feet, and has a commanding presence.
Farah is that you?
These guys are pretty scary. My girlfriend and I got surrounded by some EDL Tommy Robinson supporters, one of which placed a knuckle duster on his clenched fist right beside my face and held it there while he asked us “questions”.
The worst bit was walking to the police nearby to report it , with two of them following us hurling abuse (while I tried to keep smiling), only for the police to say “it’s a protest, some people have different opinions to you”.
Never trust the police – they’re full of these guys but just wear uniforms.
I love how the police officer on the lower right is smirking and you can tell she’s trying to keep from smiling.
If only you could win an argument on Reddit with a smile. Now that would be….
I remember this! I love how she’s looking down on him.
I take it EDL is Britain’s version of Proud Boys?
EDL = English Derranged Lowlifes!
I just love that she’s smiling
She has such a beautiful smile and kind eyes. Who would spew hate at her. Oh yeah. They would.
She’s so pretty omg
She’s got like four inches on him lmao
Its hilarious to me that no matter what country they are in, these far right losers all look exactly the same.
When the opposition is that photogenic you really are just kneecapping yourself all the way down.
Fascist, the man is a fascist
Guy has probably never been so humiliated and angry his whole life.
Bro probably got so horny as a woman approached him for the first time in his life.
I give her props for The Specials shirt. Great ska band.
Brave ENGLISH woman.
The English defense league aren’t defending the English, they just hate anyone who isn’t white.
This is great but did anybody else catch the guy in the orange vest getting ready to bust down some moves behind the EDL guy?
He’s just a little bitch (this is okay because it’s true and also a Specials reference)
I like her style, 2tone The Specials shirt!