Venn Diagrams were introduced by John Venn in the 1880’s; originally called “Eulerian circles” after the Swiss mathematician Leonard Euler.
John Venn died (1923) before the modern colorful plastic “Hula Hoop” was popularized in the 1950s.
Metal or wooden hoops were available in England (John Venns Home) as far back as the 14th century but the “Hula” Name didn’t come until the 18th century.
Okay this is clever.
I dont get it
Alexa, play half of the Olympics theme song.
Nice Elden Ring reference
Pretty cute.
Is Reddit turning senile? I don’t understand how boomer humor is seriously getting upvoted
Nice R Kelly reference
I’m surprised he has kids. I was sure his wife would have been using a Venn diaphragm.
I grew up on “the far side” comics, and this feels just like one. Love it.
Shouldn’t it be: “If you brats had one thing in common, it would be that you can’t pick up your damn HULA HOOPs – hold on a second…”
Im not fun at parties.
Venn Diagrams were introduced by John Venn in the 1880’s; originally called “Eulerian circles” after the Swiss mathematician Leonard Euler.
John Venn died (1923) before the modern colorful plastic “Hula Hoop” was popularized in the 1950s.
Metal or wooden hoops were available in England (John Venns Home) as far back as the 14th century but the “Hula” Name didn’t come until the 18th century.
John Venn only had one son.
edit: I also enjoyed this cartoon very much.