Bramble: The Mountain King is already a hidden gem of the horror genre.
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Bramble: The Mountain King is already a hidden gem of the horror genre.
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It genuinely surprises me how little it is spoken about, how few people really know about it.
Well, yes, the problem is bang/buck ratio. The game is absolutely incredible but I’d definitely wait for discount
But it’s still definitely in my top 3 horror games.
Also obligatory: Fuck jumpscares
I’ve had it on my wishlist for a long time, i like the aesthetic and the idea a lot, if you tell me it’s a gem i will consider getting it as the next purchase
The game is available on game pass, you don’t have to pay the full price for the game.
My best advice is not to try it on the switch. Mine ran like a potato on the switch lite. Great underrated game, just picked the wrong system to experience it
How is this on the Steam Deck?
A friend of mine actually worked on this game. But I’ve been a bad friend and haven’t played it yet. Been meaning to try it soon since it’s October and all.
Really glad that people seem to enjoy the game tho. Both for her and because it means I have a good game to look forward to.
I only hear great things from this game but after watching a playthrough I have no idea how its getting these rave reviews? It looks okayish but the gameplay is hella boring to me and the lore and story as well is whatever.
I played this on GamePass, downloaded it to play through and my 7 year old sat and watched. We had no idea what it was or how dark and fucked up it would get lmao. But I loved it
Played this when it was released. Really good game. Y’all should really try it out
I own it, but it looks like one of those “I gotta be in the mood for it kind of titles.” Will probably get to this on on my next vacation.
Played it via game pass. Loved it. Fun stuff.