Bought my house 6 mo. ago and found this hidden safe when removing an old stove that was left here
View Reddit by WamBamBigelow – View Source
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Bought my house 6 mo. ago and found this hidden safe when removing an old stove that was left here
View Reddit by WamBamBigelow – View Source
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What was in it?
I’ll be the first to state the usual:
OP, don’t leave us hanging. Regardless of time, let us know what you find.
Here we go again.
Time to be disappointed again… I couldn’t be more excited.
I should’ve added, I can’t get in. Don’t know how to crack the safe but it’s solid as fuck. It was sealed up too so I’m really anxious to get in
Ah shit, here we go again

The suspense is killing me!
Can we make a new rule that bans a photo of a discovered safe unless paired with a photo of it open?
There should be a safecracker’s guild of hobbyists that do this for fun or maybe 5% of what’s inside.
Alright, i’ll be watching this post for updates lol
Checkout Lockpickinglawyer on YouTube for links if you’re gonna try to crack it yourself. Might be helpful. GL and let us know! Also get a quote from a locksmith, might be more affordable than you expect. Never hurts to check options.
#remind me in two weeks
Oh fuck this shit.
Lost Combination?
Please note if you have lost or forgotten your safe combination, you must call a local locksmith or Gardall Safe dealer. If you provide them with the serial number of the safe, they can obtain the factory set combination on your behalf.
Looks like a Gardall B1311
Sure there is a schematic out there somewhere
Try the combination:
1, 1, 1.
If that doesn’t work, try:
1, 1, 2…
We’ve been over this. You have to post the contents with original post. Dems the rules
Even though it looks vintage, a fire-proof safe like that isn’t cheap. You may want to look up a Gardall dealer near you and see if they can open it for you.
Hire a lock smith to crack so you can still use as is. Don’t ruin it. My opinion. I’d love to have a functional safe like that.
My old Ronco record vault! I still remember the combination. Three.

God damn it not again. No safe photos until you get INTO the safe. We’ve been down this road too many times, and we aren’t ready to be hurt again.

I said “it’s happening again…” and came to the comments to see that I wasn’t alone.
I was there…..3000 years ago… I remember. [(Knowyourmeme has a good summary here)](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/the-mystery-vault)
Edit: thank you, anonymous redditor, for the all seeing upvote award! 
Edit2: and for the starstruck award! 
“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.” -George W Bush
Argh… “I found this locked safe” or “How to keep 28.5m Redditors in suspense….”
If Reddit The Motion Picture is ever made, found safe will 100% be the B plot.
Here we go again
My parents buy their big “this is our last house” home. It was owned for couple decades by a concert promoter/Texas Mafia dude. Very well known. They found a floor safe under a stack of bricks in the garage. Got a locksmith. Easy peasy – he’s in. They then called police (sadly they didn’t call me). Found about $200k in cash and quite a bit of coke in one giant zip-lock bag. The previous homeowner died – that’s why the family had the home for sale. So, Police can’t ask him what’s going on. Police ended up taking it all. Several years later the deceased guy family contacts parents and say “we finally got the cash back from the court, but please take half.” They did. Didn’t get half the coke though. Probably best.
I swear to God that i will come to your house and beat you with a toaster if you don’t provide a follow up. Don’t you do this to me. Not again. And if you find nothing inside then plant some fake gold before posting a picture for my sanity. I can’t survive another empty one.
You realise you have entered a social contract and are now responsible for providing a resolution.
It doesn’t matter if it costs you $1000, the safe must now be opened or you will be in breach of contract.