Boss makes a dollar, I made a dime; Parmesan isn’t the only thing that gets shredded on company time.
Boss makes a dollar, I made a dime; Parmesan isn’t the only thing that gets shredded on company time. from funny
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Great workout routine but could be grater with more cheese!
That explains the aroma
You might confuse this for a gouda workout, but really this is just a Reggiano one.
Very gouda
You’re gonna hurt your back
That’s a 90 lbs. Wheel for those wondering.
Is that… a Jimmy-John’s?
Parmesan Apronano.
I used to work with entire wheels of parm. I could barely move the box, those wheels are heavy as fuck. Because of their density. This is a lot more impressive than he makes it look.
A little cheesy, but I’m not pressed; I think I’d like to see you undressed.
Quit cheating with your back!
If that’s the good kind, that wheel is hella expensive
With form like that your back won’t get shredded, it’ll get pulverized.
I always want more parmesan but I’m embarrassed
Is this a riddle
Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin
Don’t know where I’ll be tomorrow
Put it on the floor and do wheel pushups
PSA: I only did 2 or 3 reps, but I do appreciate the concern for my back.
He seems like he’s a character on The Bear
Cheat curls!
If you make 10% of your bosses $ then your doing really well. How much risk do you have if the business fails? How much of your own $ have you put in to buy the ovens and that 90lb block of cheese?
You’re about to get Swiss
I hope he’s got on steel toes or wages won’t be the only thing getting flattened.
That’s a Gouda use of free time at work if I’ve ever seen it.
Roses are red – violets are blue, your poem is cool and your arms are strong too.
But there is a thing i want you to know – practice good form and your arms start to grow
“Cheat curls” “you gonna hurt your back”
Jealous mother fuckers. Go work out loser
That’s about a half range of motion curl, not very gouda.
I though you were fucking it at first before the video loaded…
They make a dollar, I make a dime. This is why I poop on company time.
how much would a wheel like that cost?
You curled a whole wheel of cheese? Actually I’m not even mad. That’s amazing.
Cheese curls
Imagine if you dropped it.
frumunda cheese
I don’t care about the beefcake, I want to see those double stacks
Terrible fromage
I watched an Epicurious video where they had an 80lbs one of these, and then gave it to a home chef. They made alfredo. It cost over $1400.
Looking good my dudes. I used to do front squats with the wheels on cleaning day. Have you ever had to cut one in half the “wrong” way to core it out for serving risotto in?
Keep your back straight, bro.
You want some cheese to go with your wi…
Oh wait, I guess it would have to be the other way around. But that doesn’t work.
Forget it. Be safe with that!