Bolaji Badejo, who actually played the Alien, on the set of “Alien” in 1978.
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Bolaji Badejo, who actually played the Alien, on the set of “Alien” in 1978.
View Reddit by hairhair2015 – View Source
Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 12 times.
First Seen [Here]( on 2019-08-26 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here]( on 2022-09-19 100.0% match
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Wow, Lol Nas X hasn’t aged a day
IIRC they just found him at a bar or something because he was 6’10” and gangly
This guy needs a doctor asap
He looks like he’s about to say, “The promised me I’d be a movie star then they dress me in this crap.”
I’ve seen in bio’s that he was a graphic designer… I’ve never found examples of his work. If you know of any examples PLEASE post!
Its cool how they used trash bags for the alien queen for visual effects.
Someone get this man a cheeseburger 🍔, his bones are showing
Rip. Dude died of sickle cell anemia in 1992.
I’m pickle Rick!
Bella Hadid’s outfit for next year’s MET gala.
He scared my mom
The best thing about that movie was the lighting. The alien outfit was just awful looking in regular light. You can see it in some of the behind the scenes stuff. It looked like a dude running around in a suit. Ridley Scott made it work by use of lighting and shadow teamed with great angles to hide the costumes deficiencies.
Lil Nas X files
I thought it was all puppets and animatronics.😶
Interesting info about Alien: In the script no roles had any gender assignments, just names. Actors read for whatever parts they liked.
Interestingly and very sadly, the actor who played the predator, Kevin Peter Hall, was also another freakishly tall black man who died a year before Badejo.
lil nas x new album release
Good old Marfan syndrome, bringing us tall, gangly, freakish stature since who knows when.
“Play the Alien, they said…….it’ll be fun, they said…..and could one day lead to becoming a WORLD FAMOUS STAR, they said…….” 
alien, or next award ceremony outfit for lil nas x
Fun fact, the tongue with little teeth was actually his cock.
so now i know the face of the man that made 7 year old me shit my pants
Lil Nas X was in Alien?

Make one hell of a Halloween costume! Show up at a party in that getup everyone runs for the doors
This looks like an art piece that would have been made a week ago. Outstanding
At a quick glance I thought this guy was sickly skinny
I believe that the art department used his first name, or a misspelling of it, on the cigarettes visible on the Nostromo dashboard at 9:23. They’re “Balaji Imperials”
Crazy, man.
Bolaji “Jazz Hands” Badejo.
He looks like he just found out he will only be paid $7 for the role
That’s Lil Nas X
Black men never survive a horror movie…
Watching this movie on the big screen, remastered a few years ago when they do the big reveal in the duct all I could think of was spirit fingers and “superstar”!
That being said, one of the best horror films ever made!
My favorite xenomorph.
New Lil Nas X video looks great
Imagine being on set seeing this and than getting scared when he takes his mask off lol.
I thought this was Nas X at another event for a second.
I would have love to have talked to this guy. Becoming the monster in a movie is a little dream I’ve entertained before. Sounds fascinating.
So that’s how xenomorphs got their swagger…
As a child of the 90s, the fact that a person physically *played* the Xenomorph and also R2D2, rather than them being either radio controlled props or CGI witchery, *astonished* me when I randomly learned it as an adult some time during the last decade. Big generational difference I presume, as I’m sure the idea of radio control or CGI delivering something as versatile as either character seems comically absurd to anyone who was alive in the 70s!