Blackpool, UK (1980). Group of cub Scouts eat their packed lunch whilst on a roller coaster.
Blackpool, UK (1980). Group of cub Scouts eat their packed lunch whilst on a roller coaster. from OldSchoolCool
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That was the best video produced in the 80’s.
It was produced for posthumously disgraced entertainer Jimmy Saville’s TV show, “Jim’ll Fix It.”
I hope none of those boys suffered at the hands of that monster.
Just in case anyone’s thinking “Why are they filming this backward/showing this in reverse?” – it’s not. The video was shot on the Revolution, a ride at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, where the carriages start at one end, do a single loop, rise to the top at the other end…and then do it all again in reverse. It’s an incredibly simple ride but damned fun.