Call me crazy, but as much as I love Björk, I feel like she’s a brilliant example of attractive people getting to just be weird as fuck without anyone giving a shit. If anyone else behaved the way she does in interviews people would be like “wow what kind of cringe autistic attention seeking nonsense is this” but she’s everyone’s favorite Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
I still have the original CD from her 1995 Post album in memory of the 1st date I had with my wife. I bought the album a few days before she came into my house and it was playing at that time.
It’s become a habit, a way, to start the day
“When I turn on my modem, the computer sings to me”
She keeps spiders in her pocket
Theesh keysh allow me to talk to my televishion
Cyber Army of Me
Brilliant Icelandic melodies…
You can buy that shirt everywhere at the moment
Look like she’s on Netscape
And with a poster for Sonic Youth’s Washing Machine, released the same year, on the wall.
Must be a BVoDM members.
Love the video where she opens up her tv and is comparing the components to a cityscape.
Looks like dale gribbles basement
The fuck is a Bjork?
So hot
I turn to my computer like a friend…
What’s she doing lately?
Call me crazy, but as much as I love Björk, I feel like she’s a brilliant example of attractive people getting to just be weird as fuck without anyone giving a shit. If anyone else behaved the way she does in interviews people would be like “wow what kind of cringe autistic attention seeking nonsense is this” but she’s everyone’s favorite Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
Bjork the dork.
Or is that Bobcat?
I still have the original CD from her 1995 Post album in memory of the 1st date I had with my wife. I bought the album a few days before she came into my house and it was playing at that time.
ibm mechanical keyboard, i can hear it, i can feel it, good friend
She later threw it off the top of a mountain.
The 90s dorm room vibes are strong.
“And this is where I call him a fucking noob”
Don’t let her hack the world.
Björk is awesome. I have come to realize that.
Ahh look at those fingers at WASD
I saw her once in town, pushing a stroller with her partner, and her cheeks offer a framing that makes her eyes look mesmerizing.
That dial-up tone was not oh-so-quiet.
Love this artist.. this woman is proof other galaxies exist…
Someone on r/mechanical keyboards need to tune one so it does a Bjork instead of a thonk.
Meanwhile, in Florida, Ricardo Lopez is making his blueprints of his acid bomb that he’s going to mail out to her. 😬