Monday, February 3All That Matters

Binging with Babish: Nachos from The Good Place (plus Naco Redemption)


  • This is is a great video. A good amount of work but probably worth it? I will say this, from experience anyone can make nachos any way they please and I will think they’re amazing. The bag and the paper boat from the gas station? Yea those too. But this is some higher level big kitchen lots of prep cleaning and spending but for a big party and something to brag about or make a post about yes. Good job 👏 gonna try a streamlined version of this for myself. Thanks for the ideas and motivation.

  • LOL @ American hipsters and “kosher salt”.
    It’s like Americans are obsessed with saying “kosher salt” like no other salt will do despite it being the same exact fucking NaCl just the same.

    How many times does he need to say “kosher” in one fucking video? It’s just fucking salt. It makes absolutely no difference at all.

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