Bing explains Silicon Valley Bank collapse in monkey-banana terms
View Reddit by DevilsRefugee – View Source
Bing explains Silicon Valley Bank collapse in monkey-banana terms
View Reddit by DevilsRefugee – View Source
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This monkey has no bananas.
I read it in Kevin Malone’s voice.
Ooh ooh aah aah! Me understand now. Me will keep bananas in many trees to not lose all bananas.
I read this in R.C. Bray’s (Skippy’s) voice!
I hate that this helped me.
It just needs a few more references to your wife’s boyfriend and autism and it could be the top post on WallstreetBets
This is the best explanation ever !
It left out the part about how all of us with one banana or debt bananas are the ones who now have to donate to reimburse the banallionaires who misused their bananas in the first place.
This misses out on the part that the tree knew the storm was coming, and that they knew big monkeys would give them more bananas. Despite this the tree did it anyway.
Haha! Best explanation ever. The suggested replies are great. Me likes it.
They forgot about the part where the “big monkeys” stole half the bananas off the top!!
When the c-suites take home $20 million off the top, the previous year, it’s kinda hard to make that up!
This describes bank runs, but not what caused the bank run on SVB.
Here’s a better one.
Farmer made a deal with a murder of crows, the crows bring him corn, the farmer plants it, and gives the crow their corn back and then some more. The farmer used a special planting technique that takes 2 years to grow a stalk of corn instead of 3 months, but the corn grows slightly bigger. Last year a LOT of crows got a bunch of free corn from several overturned trucks and brought it to the farmer and the farmer planted it all. This year the crows who got fat on free corn last year realized there won’t be more overturned trucks, and started demanding corn back from the farmer. The farmer had to dig the original seed corn back out, but a lot of it perished in the mean time because it’s been in the ground and hasn’t fully grown into corn stalks yet. Big crow hears about this, doesn’t want his other crows to starve so told them to all started flocking in to demand their corn back, which meant the farmer had to dig up more seed corn which meant more losses. Pretty soon the farmer realizes he won’t have enough corn to pay off the crows even if he digs up his entire field.
The real explanation is simpler than this.
funny but this is amazing for some of our older senate and congress members to understand tech lol
pipes! a series of pipes!
The tree wasn’t bad though. The tree operated exactly the same wall all trees operate.
So the bananas are like a metaphor
Honestly, I don’t think it’s a good explanation at all. This makes it sound as if it just poof happened out of thin air when, in fact, it’s been a deliberate banking practice for decades now. Not enough liquidity, risky positions, greed, zero accountability, extremely over leveraged because “taxpayers”. It takes a lot of moving parts for that “storm” to get rid of these bananas. It also doesn’t explain how “big monkeys” actually mean bankers, investors, and CEOs, not just large account holders. The people close will be paid off and paid off very handsomely while the people who will be bailing out the banks are left in the red.
Sad to say but that’s it in a nutshell
This doesn’t make sense. Why would monkeys put banana on tree and expect to get more banana. No trees work like that. Bing bad.
Nobody wants my banana anyway.
You guys have bananas?
Better analysis then you’ll find on WSB.