“Bryan Johnson is the world’s most measured human. Johnson sold his company, Braintree Venmo, to PayPal for $800m in 2013. Through his Project Blueprint, Johnson has achieved metabolic health equal to the top 1.5% of 18 year olds, inflammation 66% lower than the average 10 year old, and reduced his speed of aging by the equivalent of 31 years. ”
^ lol pretty sure he’s mocking this guys channel. just posting this in case anyone needed it for reference – [https://www.youtube.com/@BryanJohnson](https://www.youtube.com/@BryanJohnson) IRL the guy spends around 2 million to stay young shietttt…
I don’t even need to watch the video. The title alone gets an upvote from me
Guys, I think it might be a sex thing.
People always tell me I look younger than I am…
All dudes just have one baby hand..,
I was down for fruit soup until they said it was hot. Fruit soup should be chilled or room temperature.
The sad part is I can’t tell anymore what’s real and what’s satire.
My stomach must have skin like a newborn baby
I’m not the only one?!
Wouldn’t porn actresses all have youthful faces?
Then why does my mom look so old
For a second I was expecting to see Bryan Johnson.
I believe he’s parodying this guy https://www.businessinsider.com/tech-millionaire-bryan-johnson-will-drive-slowly-mantra-avoid-accidents-2023-9
Just watched the freethink this is based on. Absolutely hilarious.
For the unaware, this is a spoof of the ***actual*** billionaire that’s trying to reduce his aging.
One of the things he legit does is get blood transfusions from his teenage son, like weekly I think.
Why you gotta do my boy Bryan Johnson like that? There are so many other billionaires far creepier and more deserving of mockery.
Fruit soup was the funniest part of the whole thing
Guys, your beard will grow thicker as well. The only issue I’m having is my new unibrow.
“But honey, it’s for your own good”
This is from that new show “snake oil” with David Spade. Great show!!
Who needs a fountain of youth when you’ve got your own secret weapon? Talk about a DIY approach to anti-aging! Bet you didn’t see that coming!
I’ve been doing this for years and I look older?
I wonder if Bryan Johnson actually does this
I haven’t watched it yet, but please let it be Elon!
Haha that’s amazing. But really, I’d watch someone spunk all over their face 9 to 5 for $5k a day. My DMs are open, billionaires.
I hate that I’m so desensitized by everything. Nothing really shocks me anymore
“Bryan Johnson is the world’s most measured human. Johnson sold his company, Braintree Venmo, to PayPal for $800m in 2013. Through his Project Blueprint, Johnson has achieved metabolic health equal to the top 1.5% of 18 year olds, inflammation 66% lower than the average 10 year old, and reduced his speed of aging by the equivalent of 31 years. ”
^ lol pretty sure he’s mocking this guys channel. just posting this in case anyone needed it for reference – [https://www.youtube.com/@BryanJohnson](https://www.youtube.com/@BryanJohnson) IRL the guy spends around 2 million to stay young shietttt…
Come again?
You should see the back of my throat. It’s flawless.
the freaking marmalade video though, what’s up with this channel and so few views
“Every time I cum, I produce a quart”
Risky click of the day.
I have the bellybutton of a newborn.
That explains my tiny hands
This is one of those “I’mma check the comments before I watch the video” kinda things.
I’m fine with looking old.
no wonder all these porn stars are 18 for years!
I was having a good day.
You were having a good day.
We were ALL having a good day. And then I watched this.
That’s it, I’m done with the internet today.
As one does
Wait, all this time I could’ve been reversing aging instead of it just being a hobby? I had no idea.