Biker Morgan – If Arthur Morgan was born in the modern era (OC Artwork)
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Biker Morgan – If Arthur Morgan was born in the modern era (OC Artwork)
View Reddit by almicostudio – View Source
Damn Micheal Scott looking tough.
Looking good. I personally think he would have his hair a bit different tho.
I tried to emulate Rockstar’s art style. Shout out to Stephen Bliss, the original GTA artwork artist! His artwork has inspired me massively since GTA 3. I hope you peeps like it.
They should do a super gritty Hell’s Angels type of scenario. I’d play the fuck out of that.
What a chad.
That’s a cool concept to think about
That’s a really cool concept and your art for it is perfect!
Looks very cool
Now I want a GTA and Red Dead crossover.
Maybe if rockstar ever stop making a boatloads of money from GTA Online and “HD Remakes” they will actually make something new in the next decade lol.
This is awesome!
Is dying to Trevor a better end though?
Hey – it could happen. If I remember right, you can make Marston your relative in GTA:O
*pats chopper*
You’re alright boah.
Well drawn! Congrats!
I’d like another biker gang story
Someone make 3d model for this
“where’s our dogecoin!”
Adding this to the list of things I didn’t know I wanted.
at least >!TB has a cure nowadays!<
by the way, awesome art!
Nooo,modern day Arthur is a hipster!!
Well, I think what I’ve learned is that there’s always a man, dude. He just wears a different uniform.
-~~Johnny Klebtiz~~ Arthur Morgan
Chubby Negan.
Love the art and the “Boadicea” engraving on the gun only makes it better.
I honestly saw Nic Cage first in this interpretation. Not a criticism, of course. Very cool art, I recognise the effort that must have gone into it. I want to see how the GTA5 crew would look/act in an RDR scenario now.
I think he would’ve been in jail for life.
Modern Arthur Morgan = Jeffery dean morgan
Modern Arthur dies from Covid