He just joined the police force in this picture and had no idea how corrupt they all are, but he’ll learn and they’ll try to corrupt him, but he’ll stay honest and stoic until the end, when he finally gets to report the corruption to higher-ups who weren’t in on it, and then, asking for nothing in return, he returns to his peaceful, fulfilling, honest life.
AKA Hispanic Brad Pitt.
At least spell his name correctly.
At first glance I thought he has Mickey Mouse ears on.
Just watched him in Reptile on Netflix. Good movie.
When I see him it’s a toss up of if I think of Frankie Four Fingers or Dr. Gonzo.
Is this License To Kill era?
He just joined the police force in this picture and had no idea how corrupt they all are, but he’ll learn and they’ll try to corrupt him, but he’ll stay honest and stoic until the end, when he finally gets to report the corruption to higher-ups who weren’t in on it, and then, asking for nothing in return, he returns to his peaceful, fulfilling, honest life.
Who’s “Benecio” ?
He’s like a cooler Brad Pitt.
Frankie Four-Fingers to diamond broker: Where is the stone?
Thanos to The Collector: Where is the stone?
Hand me the keys you fucking cocksucker.
Looks so different than in License to Kill. I had to check it was him years ago watching it again.
He always looks baked.
Oof the guy can get it.
Benicio Del Toro*
I still remember Benecio Del Toro from the James Bond movie Licence to Kill (1989).
Its Benicioo!👈
Glances your direction, *BOOM*, pregnant.
I’ve always had a soft spot for Benecio. He’s also a great actor. Especially as Franky four fingers in Snatch.
Benny the Bull
Latino Brad Pitt