Belgian coal miners riding up on an elevator after a day of work, 1920s.
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Belgian coal miners riding up on an elevator after a day of work, 1920s.
View Reddit by mariusmariuzi – View Source
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Oh boy do we’ve it good these days.
Puts some stuff into perspective.
‟what have unions ever done for me?”
Nope. Don’t need unions /s
Hard no on riding in that!
This is what your workplace would look like without regulations which Republicans are almost always against.
Amazone employees in 2 years
This may be a silly thing to think and I know it didn’t really make a difference back then/they had bigger problems but, I wonder how many of them had claustrophobia and just had to deal with it lol
“Good old days” – some republican out there
“Life was way better in the good old days”
Puts things into perspective a bit.
pay was roughly three quarters an hour. at least in the US.
“Regulation bad. Free market good.” -brainwashed voters
Only 100 years ago, a blink of an eye in the time of human history. Crazy.
2nd grade ain’t what it used to be.
Joe Manchin would be cumming all over himself if he seen this picture.
Lungs schmungs
Back when people could earn an honest wage. Kids too!
Not a cellphone in sight. Just living in the moment.
The privilege of being a man
Ever feel trapped in a job with no prospects
Crazy to think that these people helped build the world we live in now. They were put at such risk and suffered such illness to provide for their families. Of course there are many others that suffered far greater, but a picture really does say a thousand words.
Edit: spelling
Edit: damn, appreciate all the uptoots.
That is why u get a Union
This is the kind of shit we don’t see today because unions took care of those issues then.
Someone designed that knowing how awful it would be for those who had to ride it. Someone paid to have it made.
Honestly, I would rather ride something similar instead of waiting an extra thirty minutes to leave after twelve hours in a mine. It sucks, but doing that kind of work a temporary pain is better than the wait. The freedom outside of the mine is immeasurably rewarding. That first breath of fresh air would be so amazing the horror of the elevator would be worth every second.
and i thought the Belgians were just mean to the Congolese….
They really wanted to get out of there and not wait for the next lift.
Remember that this is how the capital class would treat all workers if they could get away with it.
Our rights had to be fought for every step of the way and eternal vigilance is needed to see where the fight has to be renewed.
Thank god for Unions
The workplace health and safety laws have been mentioned several times now but just think for a second what or who were the ones demanding them. The right? The left?
White man privilege
Male privilege right there!
This is white privilege?
Been there, done that.
But in the 80’s the “elevators” were taller. Not wider. Just tall enough so we could stand upright.
Still squeezed like canned fish, but standing.