Before Alfonso Ribeiro was inspired by Eddie Murphy and Courteney Cox to create the “Carlton Dance”, the dance was a popular dance move known as “The Wave” in 1983.
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Before Alfonso Ribeiro was inspired by Eddie Murphy and Courteney Cox to create the “Carlton Dance”, the dance was a popular dance move known as “The Wave” in 1983.
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There’s nothing new under the sun. I feel like the Carlton Dance is a natural dance move for people on the dance floor who don’t know how to dance.
I’m white, and have no rhythm. We did this dance back in early 80s at all dance events.
courteney cox. born june 1964.
> Cox worked at video game publisher Bethesda Softworks briefly in the 1980s. She was chosen from a casting call by director Brian De Palma to appear in the 1984 music video for Bruce Springsteen’s “Dancing in the Dark”, as the young woman pulled onstage at the St. Paul Civic Center to dance with Springsteen.
bruce was born in 1949. he was ~35 when courteney (~20) got on stage with him.
so he admits to not being the original one to make the dance yet tried to sue epic for them using it in fortnite…
Having flashbacks of old Reddit whenever I see him pop up… the horror…