In my hometown, which is very close to Weimar where the Bauhaus was later on, there was a threat back in the days, that children have to go to Bauhaus if they’d misbehave.
Bauhaus was known to be different bc of their teachings and liberalism, and the “normal” citizens looked down on it.
I can’t remember this Green Day album cover…
They all look like the crazy artist brother from Wedding Crashers. Todd.
Do us a favor and don’t be mean to the new Austrian kid, okay?
So cool
I thought this was an album by The Cure
That’s not Bauhaus. Clearly the Cocteau Twins!
Or bauhaus the band. Either/or.
Green Day, the early years
Can you imagine Hitler being a part of this group?
Because the art school sure couldn’t. Thanks for World War II, you elitist assholes.
Green Day back in a Previous Life right?
Oddly enough they went on to have a great recording career on 4ad….
The lad on the right looks like Robert Pattinson.
Funny that.
I thought it was a picture of the cure in 1983
OG Emos
Proof Albert Hofmann was a fraud. I think we found the real inventor of LSD.
Thus proving throughout history when you want to be an individual you just look and dress like everyone else around you, to be an individual.
Art students never change
Hey they still dress the same!
The aftermath of 3 semesters of architecture
Og hipster goths.
They looks way too much like my fashion sanse it’s unsettling
Do they all live on Fascination Street?
Don’t lie this is a BTS photo of The Batman I’d recognise Robert Pattison in heavy eye makeup anywhere.
I was gonna Edward scissorhand vibes
Into the trees!
I feel the pretentiousness. It’s palpable.
Bella Lugosi is dead! He’s dead he’s dead he’s dead!!
• Art school
• Germany
• late 1920s
There’s a joke floating around here somewhere, I can feel it
Looks like a picture from an early insane asylum.
Bro is that Cocteau Twins?
I think we have found the inspiration for new wave fashion
Ian Curtis cosplay
I’d probably buy this if it were a record album in the 80s.
In my hometown, which is very close to Weimar where the Bauhaus was later on, there was a threat back in the days, that children have to go to Bauhaus if they’d misbehave.
Bauhaus was known to be different bc of their teachings and liberalism, and the “normal” citizens looked down on it.
That’s Orin from Parks and Rec
We’re edgy. Says generation after generation after…….
Bela Lugosi wasn’t dead then.
Martha Plimpton, Billy Joe Armstrong, and Robert Pattinson.
Love it.
Love how you can tell the age of everyone in the replies by which band they compare them to
They literally look like art students from 2022
I’m pretty sure that’s Green Day
Goth before you were.
The middle one looks like young Tobey Maguire but with crazy hair
Love the Shemp hairstyle
The Cure, early years.