Barry Bonds, Kevin Mitchell, and Cecil Fielder at the 1990 MLB Allstar game
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Barry Bonds, Kevin Mitchell, and Cecil Fielder at the 1990 MLB Allstar game
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Cecil Fielder was considered fat then.
Barry Bonds’s head was normal sized.

Didn’t that game get rained out?
I miss Barry so much. That guy put terror into pitchers like no other batter did.
Remember when Jim Leyland chewed out Bonds that one time?
I was such Fielder mark, loved him!
Back before Bonds tuned himself into a caricature
Didn’t follow baseball much during the Bonds career span but I knew who he was in Pittsburgh as the guy who could score on his own if you walked him. I first didn’t believe the guy in San Francisco was the same guy. More obvious then Canseco.
That looks like three guys standing in front of a green screen at an amusement park
Mitchell had some guns man.
Barry Bonds was the best baseball player I’ve ever seen.
_I used to clean Cecil’s pool back in the early ’90s!_
Two fun-to-watch ball players and a cheater. Awesome.
Love this era of uniforms. Simple and colorful.
Brought to you by Anabol Hardcore. Now in bubblegum tobacco and sunflower seed flavor.
This is actually a baseball card…I have a couple (grew up in the D…fielder was great)
Bond’s nuts must be shriveled up raisins by now.
Back then, we all thought Fielder was SUPER fat!
He just looks like a normal guy to me now.
Sorry, Cecil. I was a judgmental kid, apparently.
The year Cecil hit 51 and we never thought we’d see anyone touch that in our lifetime.
Got Damn Wrigley is the perfect baseball park
Hey! I got cussed out by two of the three people and one of them picked me up with one arm and was about to slug me when his son stopped it.
Fuck this picture and all the assholes in it. Cheaters.
Last ASG at Wrigley oddly enough.
Barry before taking steroids. Cecil before eating Kevin.
I’m mad at Barry Bonds for cheating, but I’m furious at Barry Bonds for ruining the legacy of normal-head Barry Bonds.
As a non American, why is it team name, team name, city name? Isn’t that a little inconsistent?