Barista asked if she could make me a “surprise coffee, free of charge” and comes back with this
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Barista asked if she could make me a “surprise coffee, free of charge” and comes back with this
View Reddit by capt-nemo3 – View Source
Shit looks good.
No charge, just give her the tip.
She killed it with the perfect posture of a dog pooping
That ain’t shit.
Enjoy your crappuccino
Hilarious! A little scary too!
That coffee looks like dog shit.
That’s a cool cup and saucer
Were you surprised?
Professor Trelawney has entered the chat
That’s a petty shitty thing to do. But this would totally make my day.
I think she likes you
Must be kopi luwak beans.
You tipped her all your money, yes?
The cups cool too, anyone know where they can be bought?
Does it taste as it looks?
What did you *doo* to deserve this?
Well, ok it is a dark roast.
Not the usual crap you get from the multinational chains. That shit is independent.
Alright blanket comment to clarify some things:
– No I didn’t flirt with her, I’m like twice her age and happily committed. It was just a funny interaction that gave us all some laughs (sorry to all you romantics)
– I tipped generously
– this was done with a stencil and is cinnamon sprinkled. They said they aren’t usually allowed to use this stencil but they said I seemed like I wouldn’t be offended (and I wasn’t, this was hilariously unexpected in the moment)
– unfortunately it wasn’t kopi luwak coffee. That would’ve been incredibly done on their part
– looks like shit, tasted great!
Edit: I guess I’m getting to out of touch with Reddit cause lots of people are claiming this is fake?? And like, I can’t obvi convince anyone lol but…why would I fake this even bahahah. It was just a funny interaction I had this morning and put a smile on my face (and the barista for that matter) so I wanted to share that joy.
[This coffee smells like shit! ](https://youtu.be/fz3P0zDh6wc)
Holy shit that mug is fancy
There was a girl who worked the counter at a teriyaki place near me. We were kinda flirting. She texts me one day to tell me there will be surprise next time I come in to the restaurant. I show up, and she says, “Your favorite meal is $1 more expensive. Surprise!”
Wow. What was the preceding interaction like? And did you check it for actual foreign bodies?
Basil, This coffee tastes like shit!
That stoneware somehow makes it better.
“My dear, you have the Grim!”
sure thing bro and then she asked you out right