Barefoot boy digging coal from refuse on the snowy road side. Scott’s Run, WV, 1936
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Barefoot boy digging coal from refuse on the snowy road side. Scott’s Run, WV, 1936
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This is Sarah Huckabee and Ron DeSantis’ goal. A labor force that is ripe for productivity.
Back when America was great. /s
Kids feet are colder than his stare.
It looks like he’s sitting on a log actually
We dug coal together.
Looks like my grandfather except he climbed on the train and threw pieces off. Then jumped off and collected them. As far as I know, didn’t have a pick.
My dad was a little kid during the Depression. He said he and his buddies would throw rocks at passing trains to get the workers to throw coal back at them. Afterwards, the kids would collect the coal, divvy it up and take it home.
He looks like Eric Burdon of The Animals
This would have been right after the Hawk’s Tunnel disaster, by far the most deadly industrial disaster in American history.
Kid’s lucky
my dad did this – had to walk the train tracks on the way home from school with a wagon
Minecraft looked dangerous back then.
So many stories you never get to hear about.
Scott’s Run is outside current day Morgantown, WV. I drive through there almost every day on my way to Walmart/Lowes, etc
this lil kid likes he could beat my ass. palms of fuckin steel on that boy.
Ya but he never had to face an internet outtage
This kid thinks he had it rough? On snow days I had to play VIDEOGAMES on a janky ass PS1 while mother cooked me grilled cheeses with WHEAT crust. Wheat goddamnit! The older generations know not the future hell they would breed. Bastards.
You load sixteen tons, what do you get?
When someone says they are anti union, just remember unions fought to outlaw shit like this.
Vote Republican in 2024 and together we can make ‘umerica great again by restoring the god given right of minor children to mine for coal in subzero temperatures.
That’s what trumpy wants back.
The children yearn for the mines
Ironically, this is a pretty accurate depiction of life, even today in WV.
This the good old days I always hear conservatives going on about?
Looks like this kid yearned for the mines.
Circa 2025….
This is literally what your granddad was talking about when he called you soft!
The children yearn for the mines
Kid looks a bit like my son. This is terrible and what’s worse is that this shit still happens today.
Just pulling himself up by his non-existent bootstraps.
Is this the great America people want to make again?
It really was true after all. In their day the were barefoot in the snow
When I see a pic like this, I think never again! Also, it reminds me I have no complaints.
My grandma lived in that area a little after this picture was taken her stories of the life of a coal miner was not positive.
What a lot of kids futures look like.
Are these the good old days? Because that looks like it sucks.
Thank goodness, we don’t live in a time when people are pushing minors to work long hours, and dangerous jobs.
Crazy for this to pop up. I’m about 3 miles from there right now.
When I see these types of pictures, I wonder about the story behind them and where that boy is today.
That kid looks 30 already.
During the depression, my uncle would walk up and down the train tracks bagging coal and sell it. then he started making bleach, for the supermarkets he was the no frills brand . in the tri-state area.
Before I moved to WV, this is precisely what I thought of WV
He must be pretty damn good with that pick. Still got all of his toes.
Luckily he’s about the right age to then get shipped off to war when he turns ~16. Poor kid.
Good old days?
As a kid I used to pull the tape out of the old electrical meters for people who had their power shut off, can’t do that anymore with the smart meters.
“Let me tell you something! My bacon…. Is GOOD for me!”
“She thinks she’s some kinda fancy lady…”
Barry Keoghan really going method for his upcoming role in “The Coal Miner’s Son”
If the modern GOP gets their way, this will be 2026, well.
When grampa said he had to walk 15 miles in the snow, barefoot, to get to school, he wasn’t kidding!