Dude I stopped skating after a bad accident years ago but this board would seriously make me pick it back up again. Absolutely beautiful design, I love the colors.
Like a trifecta here. Talented, very cool, and good looking. Awesome
But back to the real deal here.. Ive never seen a skateboard carving but it’s definitely cool as hell.
And I know that with some decks you can see the layers of wood and sometimes their different colors through the deck from like purples and greens etc.
I bet you could, or less expensive, have someone make you decks that have certain colors at certain depths in terms from top to bottom so as you carve you would hit certain colors the deeper you carve.
That would be very interesting to see and cool as heck too. I’m sure you can simply color the carved surface once done and that’s the easiest in terms of color, but I still think a board with layers that had colors at varying depths could make for one awesome carving.
Anyways, awesome stuff and thanks for introducing me to something I’ve never seen before but now I want one. I’ve always thought skateboard decks with awesome graphics were works of art when displayed on a wall.. taking me back to my youth seeing tony hawk decks on the walls of the skateshop in my hometown. You know the ones.. the birdhouse and Powell Peralta bone themed decks..
At least that’s what I saw growing up and always thoughts they looked so great simply hanging. And now those vintage decks im sure command a high dollar if you have one or a few. But I’d take one that looks like that old vintage artwork, on a new deck, just carved in. That would be super cool.
A throwback to the vintage decks that everyone wanted and skated on and are instantly recognizable by almost anyone who grew up in that era simply because of the skate god that tony hawk is, and just how kick ass those graphics were on those decks back then. Skating was exploding and busting at the seams with new talent and great skaters inventing new tricks and things like x games were created and even Olympic sports were started like snowboarding and so. Skateboarding, bmxing, surfing, and eventually snowboarding all were really starting to go all sorts of new directions and it was a cool time to see that stuff happen.
Very cool stuff. I’m gonna have to get one. Do you do like commissions? Like if I wanted a deck with carved graphics from like a kick ass vintage decks graphics?
Awesome work! At first thought the yellowish lines near top and bottom looked exactly like the old 3d pipes screensaver in earlier versions of Windows.
This is SO MUCH better than the “I just bought my first switch! Look I’m playing totk” posts
Seriously that’s very talented. You could easily sell those online if you don’t already
Where what began?
Skateboard looks great but I don’t understand the post
That deck is awesome! Fantastic work.
Dope board! Good work!
Fucking amazing!
The Legend of Zelda:
Ramp between Verts
That is sick! You’re so talented!
Ana de armas?
How the fuck am I supposed to give you money.
I love the room you’re in! Is it an art/woodworking studio? Looks so cozy I’d never get anything done I’d just be admiring the walls
This makes me cry tears of the kingdom.
I’ve commissioned her for work before, she does amazing work. definitely check it out!
Makes for an awesome gift
Dude I stopped skating after a bad accident years ago but this board would seriously make me pick it back up again. Absolutely beautiful design, I love the colors.
The Master Deck
That’s stunning
That’s sick
That’s incredible
Geez, that is incredibly detailed.
This is insanely awesome. Replicated the ornate designs and script perfectly. Would also make such a sick tattoo.
That is absolutely magical
I can smell that room..
Someone practices witchcraft…
You’re walls look great too. Tasteful goblin core
Absolutely insane! Do you have a shop?
We have a local craft grilled cheese place that has 2 star wars themed boards like that, they’re dope
I absolutely love this. Incredible work 🙂
That is a WICKED board.
I want this!
This is rad as shit!
If I owned that I probably wouldn’t even use it for fear of ruining all the details, absolutely stellar work
I admire your talent and patience. That’s dope.
Holy .. wow that is amazing! Nice work!
I need that lol, that is super impressive!
I know Ana de Armas when I see her! quit hiding over there.
That design is sick.
I think it’s time for a Zelda themed tattoo
That’s a *carving*?? Unbelievable.
This is incredible. Do you do commissions?
Edit: nevermind, I’m too poor.
Like a trifecta here. Talented, very cool, and good looking. Awesome
But back to the real deal here.. Ive never seen a skateboard carving but it’s definitely cool as hell.
And I know that with some decks you can see the layers of wood and sometimes their different colors through the deck from like purples and greens etc.
I bet you could, or less expensive, have someone make you decks that have certain colors at certain depths in terms from top to bottom so as you carve you would hit certain colors the deeper you carve.
That would be very interesting to see and cool as heck too. I’m sure you can simply color the carved surface once done and that’s the easiest in terms of color, but I still think a board with layers that had colors at varying depths could make for one awesome carving.
Anyways, awesome stuff and thanks for introducing me to something I’ve never seen before but now I want one. I’ve always thought skateboard decks with awesome graphics were works of art when displayed on a wall.. taking me back to my youth seeing tony hawk decks on the walls of the skateshop in my hometown. You know the ones.. the birdhouse and Powell Peralta bone themed decks..
At least that’s what I saw growing up and always thoughts they looked so great simply hanging. And now those vintage decks im sure command a high dollar if you have one or a few. But I’d take one that looks like that old vintage artwork, on a new deck, just carved in. That would be super cool.
A throwback to the vintage decks that everyone wanted and skated on and are instantly recognizable by almost anyone who grew up in that era simply because of the skate god that tony hawk is, and just how kick ass those graphics were on those decks back then. Skating was exploding and busting at the seams with new talent and great skaters inventing new tricks and things like x games were created and even Olympic sports were started like snowboarding and so. Skateboarding, bmxing, surfing, and eventually snowboarding all were really starting to go all sorts of new directions and it was a cool time to see that stuff happen.
Very cool stuff. I’m gonna have to get one. Do you do like commissions? Like if I wanted a deck with carved graphics from like a kick ass vintage decks graphics?
Super cool.
Awesome work! At first thought the yellowish lines near top and bottom looked exactly like the old 3d pipes screensaver in earlier versions of Windows.
I’m not even a skateboarder and I’d hang this in my office. You have a real gift.