Back then I was quite sure we had reached our full potential.
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Back then I was quite sure we had reached our full potential.
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I can hear this image
Look at that facial definition. RTX on.
Yeah but it’s important to keep in mind that we saw graphics go from green lines on a black screen to this.
We need to cook
This is how I felt about Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.
And then the PS2 came out!
Stone Cold looking like a random guard in Goldeneye.
Dig-Dig-Dig-Diggity Dog!
Idk what your talking about, thats just a picture of stone cold.
This was me seeing gta 5 on ps3 I thought it was impossible to top that….10 years later though haha
How dare you attempt to talk down about this video game!
I remember seeing the faces in goldeneye and thinking holy hell this is next level
Dead Rising 1. Gears of War 1 and the jump from San Andreas to GTA 4 felt very real at the time lol.
I remember crashing a car in GTA 4 and thinking it sounded like a actua car crash, it was so loud.
I still remember raving about the RE2 cutscene graphics about how it’s the peak. Still makes me cringe, because the people I was talking to did not give a fuck about video games.
And we are still waiting for a wrestling game as good
Wrestlemania 2000 for N64. It was a great wrestling game.
I still have my 64 hooked up in the living room. This is the game that gets the most play.
Diablo 2 blew my mind with the way shadows worked in the caves – they MOVED!!!
I still picture Hyrule Field in OOT having grass.
It doesn’t. It’s just a green textured ground.
I remember preferring the SNES graphics to the N64/PS1 graphics.
I remember thinking this for MGS: Snake Eater in 2005, can’t get much better right?
I absolutely fucking loved this game.
Dollars to doughnuts, that’s still a better wrestling game than any that came out since the N64 era.
This is just a photo of Stone Cold Steve Austin.
I thought Mario in Mario 64 was soooo life-like, I just couldn’t believe it. Like, I legit thought he looked like an actual human being…lol
On the tiny bargain bin CRT you got for your birthday?
Cable TV looked like a blurry static mess
Games looked like a blurry static mess
Yeah, they looked the same.
As an aside, it might be my age, but I don’t recall “realistic” as a gamer adjective until 360
The thing about the WWF games was they were image mapping actual photos of the wrestlers’ faces onto the meshes. These were the top action TV stars in the world and had a “look” you can’t get with cheap actors. Same reason the clothes at Paris fashion week looks so great – these are the top models in the world that cost millions of dollars to hire. They can make anything look good.
I remember losing my fucking mind at Shenmue though.
With Stone Cold’s real height?! Outrageous!
I remember an edition of PC Gamer(i think) back in the late 90s or very early 2k where the showed some 3d model of Bruce Willis head for some game and it looked amazing back then, i bet if I saw it today it would look almost as bad as the faces in Goldeneye
There was one kind of graphics that childhood me thought couldn’t get any better, and they didn’t: digitized photography.
You’ve seen it before, because Mortal Kombat used them. The sprites in MK were renderings of photos taken of actual actors. It was impossible for that technology to get any more “real” because they used real people.
Mortal Kombat was an integral part of the technological timeline that linked the Harryhausen stop-motion animation of the 60’s with the modern day motion-capture technology of movies like Avatar 2.
WWF wrestlemania 2000 for n64 right?
I never had such a moment, but instead I had “this is good enough” moment and it was with Soul Edge on PS1.
Before Soul Edge/Blade characters in 3D fighting games were blocky as hell. Virtua Fighter 2, Tekken 2, you name it. You could get a good laugh here and there especially with pyramid boobs on ingame female characters…
Soul Edge drew the line. Arms started looking like arms, same for legs. Boobies were no longer a 4 polygon salute to ancient egyptian architecture each 😉 Girls looked girly and even the faces, the weakest part of it all had grimaces and looked like faces, and not painted dots on a cube.
That was my big moment where graphics were actually good enough do depict what they were supposed to without the need for imagination/CGI to tell us what we’re actually looking at. Not that the opening CGI didn’t blow my mind, mind you.
You could say Soul Calibur took that to heart, as it’s opening sequence was using ingame models without the need for any CGI just to rub it into our faces – “Yes, this game looks so good, we don’t need no damn CGI for intro!”.
Now to give credit where credit is due – Tekken 2, the last fighting game before Soul Edge was also a graphical feat. At the time they did not cross that graphics quality border but did amazing things with what they had – amazing soundract, super climactic backgrounds (Heichachi’s temple, King’s Church, Yoshimitsu’s forest). But “that line” was Soul Blade’s to cross..
Naw, I was apparently very future minded. My childhood brain new that games could become real life so while in the lunch room I would fantasize about the ps5.
6’2, 252 is an absolute fucking UNIT
Tbf, this is just how people looked back then.
Now we got body cam games in the making like unrecorded and that horror game.
Wonder if they’ll be good, though with graphics that realistic I fear what they’ll take to run smoothly at 30 let alone 60
I think our imaginations and CRT TVs went a long way to fill in the blanks.
To be fair we also had crappy TVs then so it wasn’t clear what we should expect and at the same time the pixies in game on CRTs allowed for some imagination.
Is this Mrs. Crofts bf?
I just tell my kids that’s what people looked like back then.
Not a single wrestling game since Wrestlemania 2000 for n64 has lived up to expectations.
*Cue nostalgia, including many a night at a friends house playing this game in a house that smelled of laundry detergent, fabric softener, and cigarette smoke. Good times.*
Thq had it going on with those games. Loved em!
Back in 1999, even though I was only a kid, you bet I knew the graphics were trash on PS1. They were better on the arcades! So, we knew the ingame graphics were trash. It was obvious. Lara’s tits were triangles! We would watch the FMVs and wonder if graphics would ever be as good as those.
I remember in the 90’s the graphics in the intro videos would blow your mind and then the gameplay graphics was about 1/2 as good. What a big let down.