Back around 1965 my grandfather was a steward onboard a ferry, today I started working as a steward for the same company. Had to recreate the original but somehow it doesn’t have the same charm.
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Back around 1965 my grandfather was a steward onboard a ferry, today I started working as a steward for the same company. Had to recreate the original but somehow it doesn’t have the same charm.
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Probably because you’re missing the iceburg
Yes it does. We can see it -because no doubt he’d be so proud of you!
Robert De Niro and Liam Neeson
Is this the ferry to Kodiak and homer in Alaska??
It’s the exposure
Nice photo. Missing a tie though.
It’s the missing tie. You’re dad was sexy.
Goddang global warming ruined the shot
This really made me smile. You resemble him!
It’s because he was wearing a tie and jacket. Your shirt and plastic nametag wouldn’t have been acceptable in 1965. Regardless, congratulations on the accomplishment and have fun at the new gig! Make him proud of your work ethic!
That’s awesome dude. Good Job!💪
Give it 57 years. Your grandkids will be totally charmed. 🙂
The jacket-tie combo adds a touch of class.
Not your fault the icebergs melted. Or is it?!
I wonder how many kids had to fall off before they added that extra fencing to the rail?
It has to age. That’s the essential ingredient in nostalgia.
Fucking global warming
The right picture doesn’t have the vintage touch. Photographing with older Lens or just added grain effect with some old school styled filters and you’re good to go
One might say your pic pales in comparison to your grandfather’s, but you can’t help that icebergs aren’t as big as they used to be.
The charm comes from the colors and blurry film. You’re both swell.
Gotta straighten up my man! Grandpa had posturing. You look like you’re just cold and wanted to do this real fast.
He had some killer hair too.
Maybe it’s the impending doom from that iceberg
Sure it will. Good luck!
Needs a tie and a potentially deadly ice floe
Definitely bring back that uniform its super classy!
You look just like him !
His pocket is vertical. That changes his stance, which explains more than the attire.
The kodachrome helps but it’s whatever.
It’s pretty sad to see that in 1965 the company provided better quality clothing compared to what you’re wearing today in 2022.
A big issue with the new one is the vest. The vest is the best part.
I think your photo is overexposed. Have it fixed by someone using photoshop, get the details of the clouds in the sky, then it will look more like your grandfather’s photo.
Yea your missing the ufo in the sky
You need a vest.