I can almost hear an inner monologue of him working himself up for it, and practicing. It’s like watching a teen practice a confrontation in front of a mirror.
How do you know that it is charging? It looks like it is role playing a fight, especially with those head moves. It needs to build up its neck muscles before it gets antlers.
If it would have charged me, the caption would have said “moose calf charges for the first AND last time”/s
Been charged by numerous bulls and sometimes it’s hairy. Find a big tree and play ring around the Rosie
It has dumb ass deer zombie brain disease. Put it out of it’s misery. Use the rocket launcher. WATCH OUT NEDD IT’S COMING RIGHT FOR US! Mmmmm watch out Jimbo it’s coming right for us!
I wonder if the moose saw the tires on the car illustration on the other side of the sign, and it looked like eyes to it, triggering it to think it was another animal?
I love how he keeps starting and stopping, like he’s trying to hype himself up.
“you talking to me? You talking to me?”
It looks small but it’s actually 6 feet tall
What an adorable little death machine
He looks like he’s locking antlers with a rival.
Mooselet used Bide!
You can use moose as singular or plural. Because if you run into 1 or 10, it makes no difference, you’re gonna die
Gonna be a fearsome lad one day! Moose are pretty intimidating as adults, to say the least.
“What’s that tiny moose even doing?”
“His best.”
Sign with a pic of a moose. Standing back, he can see it. Gets a bit closer – it’s just a pole.
This moose needs glasses!
I can almost hear an inner monologue of him working himself up for it, and practicing. It’s like watching a teen practice a confrontation in front of a mirror.
I was hoping for the apply-full-power-but-then-stop-last-second-but-brakes-not-good-so-he-slides bonk.
Practice makes perfect.
Moose proportions are so weird. They look like those Landstriders from the Dark Crystal.
I got charged by a moose one time…..the bastard kept the change
I so wanted him to boop it.
I swear, there’s the voice of a kid in a Disney movie inside that head
How do you know that it is charging? It looks like it is role playing a fight, especially with those head moves. It needs to build up its neck muscles before it gets antlers.
I think this is still a lot less consequential than a bird jumping off the nest to fly for the first time. That must be so scary for the bird.
Baby moose : yeaahhh, nooo, ok I got this, yeahhh, nooope, ok, this time for sure, yeahh, nooope
He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit
Who remembers [Morris The Midget Moose](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3659qv)?
Don’t do it moo moo
This is one of those Boston Dynamics robots you can’t fool me
It’s a calf. But if you wanna say baby moose, then why the heck not.
This looks exactly like my roommates dog.
omg when he gets done charging up that sign is FUCKED
Reminds me of little league gridiron football kiddos.
Swamp donkey, cool, dumb, aggressive.
I just realized I’ve never seen a baby moose before now. Cute little fella.
What da dog doin?
This is adorable!
If it would have charged me, the caption would have said “moose calf charges for the first AND last time”/s
Been charged by numerous bulls and sometimes it’s hairy. Find a big tree and play ring around the Rosie
Does it know it’s not a real moose? Like how we shadow box. Or is it just that dumb?
It has dumb ass deer zombie brain disease. Put it out of it’s misery. Use the rocket launcher. WATCH OUT NEDD IT’S COMING RIGHT FOR US! Mmmmm watch out Jimbo it’s coming right for us!
“C’mon, you got this!”
Tries and fails, lol.
I wonder if the moose saw the tires on the car illustration on the other side of the sign, and it looked like eyes to it, triggering it to think it was another animal?
What’s wrong with that tall cow?