Ayush Badoni hits a beautiful sweep shot into the stands. Unfortunately a poor girl gets hit on the head while catching it.
Ayush Badoni hits a beautiful sweep shot into the stands. Unfortunately a poor girl gets hit on the head while catching it. from sports
View Reddit by Zeus2910 – View Source
That’s some sweet timing there, almost seemed effortless
My husband and brother in law ended up going to a cricket “match”
In England and my husband got his beerknocked over from a “six”
He said
I don’t know
Then my brother in law tried to steal a” wicket “ as a souveernier
[Cricket explained ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfhTPGSy1aM&t=6s)
I love seeing cricket contents in r/sports
After watching the jomboy video explaining cricket I have a slight understanding of what’s going on now. That was great.
CSK will have PTSD about this match.
Haha getting hit in the melon to huge applause… ouch. 😂