Avatar: The Last Airbender – Official Trailer | Netflix | February 22, 2024
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Avatar: The Last Airbender – Official Trailer | Netflix | February 22, 2024
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This looks pretty good, and after they nailed One Piece LA I actually have some faith. Cant wait for this!
I hope it doesn’t take itself too seriously.
This looks absolutely great! As a big fan of the series, this is everything I hoped for.
The music is just outstanding, it takes me back 8 years ago.
I *really* wanted to see more bending. But it looks great.
Aang’s smile seems like he’s a good fit-He’s supposed to be happy and goofy at times. Glad we saw that.
But Momo is giving me real 1st draft sonic vibes
This really looks like it has a lot of potential! It definitely looks like it is set to top the movie, in that it seems like this will actually exist!
I’m binging the animated show for the first time. I’m halfway through Season 2. The live action looks pretty good, looking forward to it.
I’ll admit, this trailer got my attention. All the actors looks surprisingly really acurate, and the sets look gorgeous (movie quality even), and the score is great. Looks like I got another new show to watch next year which is great news
It looks very good and hearing that music (the Avatar theme part) made me emotional not gonna lie, love this universe to death. Much earlier than I was expecting too. Between Three Body Problem in January and this in February, Netflix will hit big for the start of the year in fantasy/SF
Hope to see stuff about Avatar Studios productions soon too, should be great.
And please, someone make an AAA Avatar video game (not Netflix though even if they do make games based on their shows, it’s always mobile first)
Everything looks and feels surprisingly good, though the guy who plays Sokka kinda looks like the Ember Island version of the character.
Looks better than my expected but still holding my breath
That said I am more confident they nail chopper now in one piece
wow, this looks … good?
The throne room looked amazing.
I’m curious how much of the humor and tone they’ll capture from the original.
When the orginial music came I got goosegumps, this looks promising!!
Lightyears better than the movie that we don’t speak of. I can’t wait!!!
Like the one piece show, this will come down to how good the cast is and how likable they are
1. Visually looks about as good as you can expect.
2. Backgrounds in particular look good and so go the animals.
3. Still don’t love them showing Ozai this early. I get it but I don’t like it
4. Hope this isn’t too serious, Avatar is a goofy show.
5. Like the One Piece live action show, this will ride or die on how good and likable the main cast is
It looks good, although I am somewhat concerned that the trailer gives it a “serious” tone, since ATLA is also supposed to be fun. I hope this is just a trailer to get non-fans interested and the actual show has more levity and charm like the original.
CgI looks great but somwhow scenes still look “cheap” I don’t know how Netflix does it. They really need to hire some showrunners and cinematographers from HBo or apple tv.
Still cautiously optimistic on this one.
Some of the effects don’t seem quite finished yet imo (mainly all the flying stuff), but all the cities looked pretty great — excited to finally get to see Ba Sing Se in live-action at least!
The Ember Island episode should just be them watching the M Night Shyamalan movie.
But wait why isn’t the water tribe white and the fire nation Indian?????
Shows lives or dies with Zuko for me.
If they do him right, I bet I’ll love it.
Yip yip
I missed a “Water. Earth. Fire. Air” in the end.
Fingers are crossed that the cabbage seller is a running gag for the show.
Zuko’s character development is some of my favorite in any television show. I hope that’s a big focus in the show. I love how it’s non-linear. We don’t go from bad to good, it’s a trial of paths and learning lessons from making your own decisions. Stuff like Iroh letting Zuko make mistakes because he knows he’s good deep down. And that he was never mad at him, just sad that he might not ever find his way home. How tf did we get this show holy crap
Please be good like One piece
They need to add a promist filter type look to it and grain. Basically make it feel more like a film camera shot it.
It’s way too crisp front to back (depth of scene), it just makes it look fake.
Design wise it looks great, just needs that final layer to make it feel more real and less like a giant green screen.
Looking forward to hearing that sage advice from uncle Iroh again
“If you look for the light, you can often find it.But if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see.”
Met Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, the actor for uncle Iroh, in Toronto and he talked about it with me. Said he was super excited and he was a fan of the original series and that he thought it was very faithful to the OG. If he’s excited and proud of it I’ll give it a watch, he was just as excited talking about that as he was when he talked about his time on the Star Wars set so I’m sure he will kill it as Iroh. Only thing taking so long for the release was the post production for the bending he said. They are putting a lot of time effort and money into making sure we don’t get a repeat of the movie which must not be named.