Sunday, December 22All That Matters

Author: OldCarWorshipper

1985- Intro for the NBC drama “Stingray” starring Nick Mancuso. A mysterious loner driving a black Corvette helps good people out of really bad situations. Rather than accepting money, all he expects in return is a future favor.

1985- Intro for the NBC drama “Stingray” starring Nick Mancuso. A mysterious loner driving a black Corvette helps good people out of really bad situations. Rather than accepting money, all he expects in return is a future favor.

1985- Intro for the NBC drama "Stingray" starring Nick Mancuso. A mysterious loner driving a black Corvette helps good people out of really bad situations. Rather than accepting money, all he expects in return is a future favor. [ad_2] View Reddit by OldCarWorshipper - View Source