Tuesday, February 11All That Matters

Assassin’s Creed 3’s graphics may have aged poorly, but I miss this era where AC Games prioritize narrative over bloated content. A game that wasn’t met with same acclaim as Ezio trilogy still has a better story than the last 3 AC Games.


Assassin’s Creed 3’s graphics may have aged poorly, but I miss this era where AC Games prioritize narrative over bloated content. A game that wasn’t met with same acclaim as Ezio trilogy still has a better story than the last 3 AC Games.


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  • And one of the better stories too, in my opinion. Connor is just…complicated and not a character like Ezio, so it wasn’t received as well after some time. I think some also had issues with the pacing and such but meh.

  • Tbf, it’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Anybody can tell you that a long time franchise can never survive if it doesn’t make changes at some point in its life and the reception for Syndicate showed it was high time AC needed that makeover.

    Problem is, as you OP have shown with your opinion, it is very difficult for devs to find that golden balance post change.

    Don’t change enough, risk obscurity. Nobody wants the same game with a different title.

    Change too much, risk alienation. Long time fans might to recognise the spirit of the game anymore.

    And more often than not, the difficult but necessary decision to commit to one side has to be made eventually because riding the fence only produces results that partially (and therefore likely insufficiently) satisfies both sides of fence. Hence turning it into a lose-lose situation.

    Not that I’m saying you are wrong, but the other end of the spectrum of fans have just as much reasons to love the newer ACs as you have reasons to hate the newer ACs.

    It’s really down to what players think matters more to the franchise. Principle? Or longevity? Does the signature of the game matter more or is its maintained relevance in the gaming world more important?

  • I will forever live in the minority of AC fans I think. I have no issue with anyone enjoying any assassins creed game and in fact quite enjoy that they aren’t constantly Assassin v Templar over and over. I find it interesting seeing new stories like Valhalla and how the Isu history and assassins world can slot in to the wider world that are unaware of this constant war

  • I apologize if people misunderstood my statement.

    But all I’m saying is, I’m not against change. But with the changes, I hope they put more effort on the story writing. Odyssey and Valhalla are sooo badly written. Origins is good, just not as good as the top ones and its open world is uninteresting.

  • Origins and valhalla have a good story. The narrative structure is a bit confusing since they’re huge games, but i still enjoyed them both. The ezio trilogy started of strong, but brotherhood and revelations are just reskin of the same game and the story is weak (i bet you don’t even remember what the fuck happened), if ubisoft try to do it today you guys would crucifying them

  • Honestly AC origins is overrated pretty much. I had fun playing it the first time as it was my first AC game but after playing Ezio games I realized that it actually wasn’t as good as those.

  • The terrible pop-in is the only reason I never go back to AC3, it’s awful once you notice it.

    Also, side note: While I don’t particularly like Valhalla, and have zero interest in ever playing Odyssey, I did quite like Origins. I thought it was a good proof of concept for the new direction of the AC games. That potential was then completely squandered, but, you know, shit happens I guess.

  • I keep hoping that these last few chapters will somehow get pulled back into a coherent storyline. That said, I like them all and have hundreds of hours in them. I don’t really care that it is changing; if it wasn’t people would complain about that instead. I’ll take new over old.

  • It’s strange seeing the current nostalgia for this, because it was seen as absolute garbage at the time compared to Assassins Creed II and Brotherhood. Revelations was a bit meh and overblown imo. I know quite a few people who skipped out on III completely, myself included as they were churning them out every year at that point.

    Black Flag was seen as a massive return to form when it succeeded this game and I loved it. It could be my own memory playing tricks on me though.

  • The wilderness or woods area was fucking nice and I really enjoyed the side content there. It predated a lot of stuff in black flag and set up a lot of great ideas outside of a city for the series. I don’t think the rest is quite as good as the other games of the era but it had that. It was a fun game to play because of it too.

    I think they ended the modern story line in 3 though? That alone made me not like the game out of spite. Fuck them, I was invested.

  • Sadly there was too much but up je fully enjoyable imo and the 1-2mm space on the trigger to run was painfull. Story was good until the let down at the end and it’s just sad there was so much people who didnt liked ac 3 because of Connor.

  • Literally the only reason they kept the name Assassins Creed. Ezio trilogy is way too good. Ubisoft could’ve remove the Assassins arc from their new game, and could possibly made them better by focusing on Viking mechanics or etc.

  • I’d have to disagree. Theres a deep narrative in AC games that goes back to the creation of man. Theres a lot more questions answered about the origins of these people. And the narrative for the characters is pretty decent. With the exception of Odyssey, Origins and Valhalla have excellent stories.

    In fact Origins shows you how the Assassins came to be, with some of the most beautiful locations of any AC game.

    If you’re gonna make a point about old AC games being great, you easily picked the worst AC game to do it with. AC 3 is a little boring.

  • Bro fuck assassin’s Creeds rpg route that it took. Fuck not being able to insta stealth kill. Fuck being able climb up flat surfaces, ever since origins I don’t consider it assassin’s Creed anymore. It’s just a new IP they came up with and slapped the assassin’s Creed name on it to help sell more. Fuck eivor, fuck Cassandra, but bayek of siwa is alright

  • The combat in 3 is probably my favorite, Connor felt so brutal compared to anyone else.

    This was also where they introduced ship combat, which was just awesome.

    This game definitely gets more hate than it deserves.

  • >Prioritize narrative over bloated content.

    Dude AC3 was guilty of bloated and useless content.

    Remember the useless tunnel system? Or the encyclopedia of the common man? Or the hunting society? Or the stupid and convoluted trading system?

    The only game that had the RIGHT balance was Black Flag.

  • I personally felt the story was much better across the 3 Ezio games. Revelations is my favorite of the series and I felt like they hit the mark on what an AC game was. Connor was boring for me and yes, I know it was purposely done, the guy had his entire family slaughtered and wasn’t much of a people person. I will say, I feel like 3 has the best parkour system out of all the series. Too me, it feels the smoothest and most *realistic*. Connor cannot jump 40ft like Arno and he’s not able to leap 2 or 3 flights in the air from a window or ledge like Ezio could. Connor felt like he had proper weight and I loved how it went from being a pre-canned animation from the past games, to a real, weight and physic based climbing system. A lot of people said they disliked the weighty feel and Connor was super heavy and slow, but I personally loved it. That being said, New York was extremely boring and the underground catacombs lacked any depth or creativity compared to the lairs and tombs from 2, BH or Rev.

  • Its funny how meh i thought AC3 was when it came out, but now all I could ever ask for in AC is another game like 3. I’ve already resigned that Ezio Trilogy forget will never be topped but shit 3 and 4 are waaaaay better than the last several games.

  • Hot take: AC 3 is miserably boring

    Went back to play the remaster and remembered how much flak it got. I never understood it, even when I was younger I enjoyed it

    My god now as an adult it was such a damn bore. I love slow burn stories don’t get me wrong but fuckin hell this game moved at a crawl

  • AC3 also brought ship warfare to AC. I played the shit out of that until black flag came out. But im guessing the feedback from people loving the ship warfare so much is what made them create black flag.

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