Arnold Schwarzenegger’s unhinged commentary from the Conan the Barbarian DVD
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Arnold Schwarzenegger’s unhinged commentary from the Conan the Barbarian DVD
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Lol, thanks for this gift! 😂
Oh dis iz vere deh orgie ::breathing intensifies:: totaleh svwetting
LMAO this is the best way to end a Friday at work. A few highlights:
“Just the pounding him in the head and breaking his head.”
“Does the kid wear lipstick what is that?”
“I was getting laid a lot in this film”
“Here I am listening to the women problems”
Does he understand this wasn’t real? It is a film Arnold, you were acting.
“This is where I got my sword.”
This is where I changed the audio track
see arnolds acting in hercules for the funniest stuff hes done
John Milius seems to be the real gem in this commentary.
I am such an evangelist for this commentary. Absolute gold, thank you
To this day me and my homie will always end so many of our conversations with “exactly” in Arnie’s voice. He says that so much during the commentary.
I love this movie.
The only good thing about the second one is the accidental upskirt shot of Grace Jones.
Not so much “unhinged” as, “These are weird. What are we supposed to do in these things?”
Isn’t Arnie the one who has a lot of [commentaries where he is literally just describing what he is doing in the scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4YQMlcPY2A)?