Monday, February 10All That Matters

Applying for a job


  • And after you’ve spent approximately 1 hour just applying for said job, they don’t even have the courtesy to give you a rejection email that they went with a “candidate that aligns more with our goals”

  • Sadly this is true, I wanted to work at my local supemarket, literally down the road. A good 15 minute walk, I had to make an account, and get something that apparently was necessary I don’t remember what exactly I think a passport or some form of ID. I didn’t make it further and the job was snagged by someone else. Not gonna lie, I would have loved to work at the local supermarket because I know where everything is off by heart, dog and cat food? Down aisle 7. Where’s the xbox games? Upstairs at the far end, just shy off the very end, can’t miss it. I had a lot of stress trying to get that job and got stuck at a pointless part.

  • Went thru this entire process for over a year before my old job called me back and offered increased pay.

    Also you forgot one, “Waiting for a call back all day at home and then receive one the MOMENT you decide to go to the store.”

  • Enthusiast recruiter: so tell us why you want to work in our company? Why did you choose us???

    Option A: I need money to pay my bills. I contacted 20 different companies and yours is the only one calling me for an interview.

    Option B: Selling chicken nuggets is my passion.

  • Software developers applying for a job:

    Step 1: Mind your own business until some recruiter on LinkedIn messages you asking if you’re interested in interviewing with their company.

    Step 2: Ask how much they are gonna pay you.

    The interview is a whole other ordeal though.

  • Somoene I know is currently looking for a job and one of the place he applied had a weird 50 or so question quizz that was just choose one of two things to do. For example destroy the environment or employ slaves; work with litteral shit or work in a degrading environment; have no free time or working a mindless job.

    Like wtf is that? Some of the choices were absurd. Has anyone else seen something like this.

  • I’ve been unemployed two times as an adult – once in 2006, and once in 2015. And in that time the job application process went from the “expectation” diagram above to the “reality” one. I was totally blindsided.

    The other thing that happened, which others have already pointed out, is every single company switched to an automated application management system that made it so I never got any response from 80 out of 100 applications I submitted. About 18 gave me an automated rejection email, and 2 led to interviews.

  • Best part of this is the answer 50 questions that is the exact same info as your resume. I have never understood why an application would have you do that. A complete waste of time.

  • Please complete this 20 hour take-home coding binge that may or may not be integrated into our IP without your permission, to move onto step two of our six and a half step boarding process. After seventeen years you can vest your options but we only pay in Wampum.

  • Companies: wE caN’t FiNd aNy EmPloyeEs

    Oh, you have a shitty automated system that weeds out 80% of the people that could do the job, won’t post the salary and have such a frustrating process you lose even more potential applicants?

    Companies: We will never solve this mystery.

  • Don’t forget reading through the job description and seeing that you’ll be underpaid and overworked, or that you lack an oddly specific qualification in a field that no one’s ever heard of until the day that job was posted.

    This hits home for me since I’m looking for a new job right now…

  • Up til 2020ish, 2021, Indeed used to be a GREAT place to quickly apply for jobs. Guess what it is now? Basically an advertising site. I applied to a BUCKET LOAD of random ass jobs the other day (I’m getting desperate to leave healthcare) I’d say over half of them sent me an automated email stating “if you wish to continue forward, apply on our website *link here*.”

    Bitch. Bitchhhhhh. I JUST applied. I’m not doing it again.

  • How my employer hires people:

    “You have a resu-what? Oh, we’re not that fancy around here. Just fill out this application that we typed up and xeroxed back in the 80s. If we can read what you write, you’re in.”

    “Okay, this job involves working with computers. Just a bit of simple data entry but our system is terribly outdated and kind of glitchy. Oh, you’ve never touched a computer in your life? No problem, you’ll figure it out! (let’s make u/Metal-Dog teach her)”

    “Can you drive? Do you have a license? No? Doesn’t matter; we need a forklift operator, not a driver.”

    “You speak English? English? Eeeeeenglissssssssssssssh? He’s nodding, so I guess so. Have you ever done Sales? u/Metal-Dog, show him how to work the phones!”

    “Time for your drug test! Here’s a bud and some paper; roll me a fatty.”

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