Any time i have to use a public toilet I try to make it a little fancy for the next guy. [oc]
View Reddit by tommygunn712 – View Source
Any time i have to use a public toilet I try to make it a little fancy for the next guy. [oc]
View Reddit by tommygunn712 – View Source
Please do that here, I want to have a dapper bum.
Did you add your phone number to the wall?
People may be looking for someone fancy.
Thanks for touching the toilet paper so thoroughly with your fingers so we can transfer the germs more effectively.
Anyone else rip off the first part and throw it in the toilet?
With your poopfingers? My dude.
Is this how we clean under our finger nails after pooing?
In my home nation everyone does this!
Except when you say *”make it a little fancy”* they *”piss all over it”* and when you mean *”toilet paper”* they mean *the toilet paper, the toilet, the sink and a nearby passerby who was minding their own goddamn business”*
That’s nice of you.
Whenever I’m using the facilities, it looks like the person before me was 95% a cat, and decided to unravel most of the roll onto the piss soaked floor.
A couple squares back write BOOM!
Everyone all concerned that i touched the roll of paper that everyone else touches. First off I licked my fingers clean. Im a gentleman. Not a monster.
Pay no heed to the haters, OP. I do the same thing in every hotel and BnB I stay at (I have a little fancier fold though)
The hero we never knew we needed.
Was that you? And here I thought it was the Cleaning_girl from TikTok 😞
I do this too and spray a mist of perfume on the TP…then piss all over the seat.
I carry a little brown crayon for work and for drawing on toilet paper.
Hahahaha 😆
Meanwhile when i use a public toilet, theres piss all over the seat so i have to clean it before using it
That was you?
Fuck ‘em.
Leave ‘em a skid mark on the first sheet.👍
Wow, maybe there are some good people left after all…
You touched many asses
That’s the shit I’m talking about
If you’re not leaving a mint, are you really even trying?
I think you spend too much time in the shitter. No soup for you.
So it’s you that’s been in every hotel I have been before me.
I’m gonna start doing this!
Weird and gross, please don’t touch the toilet paper that you’re not using.
You are one of the few 1% of people who are delaying the end of this world
The reason that Hotel cleaning staff do this is to show their attention to detail (with supposedly clean hands or with gloves on) not to be done in a public bathroom…
I’ll s**t my pants and ride home sitting in it before I will use a public toilet…
Then they’ll assume it’s freshly cleaned and sit bare butt on the seat. -me
Do you work at a hotel?
Now put a gold leaf on it
You are deceiving others to think they are the first shitters of the day lol
This is definitely the work of a housekeeper
So after you wipe your ass, but before you wash your hands. Real fancy.
Op ur so adorable
I’m glad I don’t live with you…
Leave three seashells
How dare you. I ever see this shit imma rip it up and wipe my ass with it
I did this in bootcamp as an attempt to please the drill sargents