Antonio Brown waiting for a ride outside MetLife stadium after being released by the Buccaneers
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Antonio Brown waiting for a ride outside MetLife stadium after being released by the Buccaneers
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You know damn well he’s on twitter looking at reactions lol
In those boots? So…sassy. Waiting on Kanye prolly
[Based on this tweet from AB himself, this image is likely real. AB was wearing this outfit today.](https://twitter.com/AB84/status/1477766970460282885?s=20)
EDIT: [Screenshot in case he deletes the tweet.](https://i.imgur.com/Xafn0Ww.png)
guy has had ample chances to make the most of his career. moving on …
Mom’s Been Called
Any info what he flipped out about?
For those who don’t follow the NFL:
This dude is known for being a bit of an emotional liability. Today he took his uniform off, threw it to the crowd. And then just walked out of the field into the locker rooms mid-game.
Dudes definitely got more than 1 mental health issue. Needs serious help
How much is an Uber to Florida?
Antonio Brown is what Kanye West would be as a professional football player
Mr. Bus Catcher
I’ve never seen CTE in real time like this
This guy will be broke in 5-10 years. It will be one of those tragic sports stories
Plot twist: Urban Meyer picks him up and pays 2 million for getting the media off his back
Real question is….would you pick him up if you were working as a rideshare driver?
Buh bye.
He doesn’t need football, he is a gifted rapper and can now start his rap career. Check out this banger: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89wsFMqz56k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89wsFMqz56k)
Calling cvs to refill his medications
So, I guess the next place we see AB is on the undercard of the next Jake Paul fight?
Mom come get me the game ended early
The man is not well and needs some serious mental health intervention.
never go full antonio brown
I don’t care for the dude but I bet he has some serious mental issues, hopefully he will get the help he needs.
I hate to say it, but I don’t see a positive pathway forward for AB. He likely has blown most of his football earnings based on videos I’ve seen of his previous spending habits. He does not appear to have mature social skills that would help him transition to a new career. He has no other obvious skills other than playing football, which makes sense because he has dedicated his adult life to that craft; therefore he has no other talent he can use to transition to an alternative career. He has destroyed many important relationships within the NFL, again hurting his chances of getting a new job. He likely has become accustomed to a certain lifestyle, and likely has a group of hanger oners that will deplete his remaining resources quickly. He has shown sociopathic tendencies. I hope I’m wrong, but I think this is all a recipe for disaster for AB and those around him.
kendall roy vibes
Wonder how long till he’s making Cameo’s
I hate the Steelers, but I think we really need to give Tomlin all the credit in the world for keeping this guy somewhat in line for so long in Pittsburgh.