Anti-lying PSA from the 80s that still lives in the dark corner of my brain…
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Anti-lying PSA from the 80s that still lives in the dark corner of my brain…
View Reddit by Legend_of_dirty_Joe – View Source
This looks like it could have been a deleted scene from Book of Mormon.
LD$ church: biggest land owner in Florida, caught hiding its investments in shell companies… lying?
Here’s two lies and one truth: I am boofing Lemoncello, because I am a considerate lover.
Little known fact: This PSA was filmed during the NY tap-dancers local 159 strike of 1984.
This is indoctrination use of propaganda. Our politicians lie everyday so we should teach our kids the same. All true leaders are dead. Fuckem.
This whole [Video](https://youtu.be/k3_Fhq7sEHo?t=565) is worth watching if you want to see how scummy the LDS is, but here is a High up church member trying to play semantics about lying.
“The angel Moroni gave me a gold tablet filled with reformed Egyptian writing and it talks about a vast civilization on North America we have zero evidence for and I’m going to translate it by looking at rocks in my hat.”
*tap dancers tie up shoes*
I started singing the song before I opened it. LDS were trying hard back then.
Ahh, nobody guilts better than the Mormons.