Andy Warhol making a digital painting of Debbie Harry using an Amiga 1000 – 1985
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Andy Warhol making a digital painting of Debbie Harry using an Amiga 1000 – 1985
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I think he’s painting over a photo or already made image.
This is a great image.. Wonder how long Warhol had been using computers to do this,or if it came naturally.
And causing tremendous stress to the Amiga developers as this was done live on stage and the program he used was quite unstable. He was instructed but to use certain functions (which he used anyway) but in the end all went fine.
30 years later this and other images he created were recovered.
There’s a documentary about this called Trapped: Andy Warhol’s Amiga Experiments.
The first NFT PFP
Looks like John mulaney in this pic
Easily the most overrated artist of the 20th century (in my opinion of course).
I had an Amiga 500. I hotrodded it to 1k. For the under-30s: the numbers referred to kilobytes of memory.
Although it had advanced colour processing, flesh tones still looked like chalk drawings.
and it only took him 985 years to finish it
He looks intolerable
Lol imagine him today. Just another artist selling stickers on Etsy
Everyone knows him as a prickly cynic but not everyone knows he regularly volunteered at homeless shelters
I went from C-128 to PC. Was always envious of the Amiga.
I remember I bought some F-16 flight sim game that had some awesome cover photos (young dumb me).
And spent the next 6 weeks learning how to boot the PC into various modes to manage the memory allocation at startup.
Oooh, a color monitor in 1985. Was something like 1020×800 which was pretty good at the time.
Shit artist. Basquiat was his equal. Downvote if you agree.
Deluxe paint! I remember doing animations on that as a kid.
That’s an NFT I would buy!
TIL Andy Warhol looks like Willem Dafoe playing Andy Warhol
Faked by Warhol
Amiga Forever!
I had an Amiga 1000. Got it in 1986, mine came with a 256kb upgrade to bring the RAM up to 512kb. Loved that thing.
I switched to Mac around 1991.
He cheated? Anybody could do that!
Amiga was way ahead for its time
What kind of mouse holding technique is that?
Interesting position she chose to watch him work on the computer.
Actually, interesting position he chose to work on the computer.
Wait a minute… this not just a couple friends playing on the computer?
Cool to see this. The company I worked for had an Amiga 1000 in 1985 that was on my desk — next to an Apple Mac. We were in the Cable Building in Greenwich Village where Warhol’s Interview Magazine had their office.
During the mid 80s, the New York Amiga User’s Group (AMUSE) was a pretty exciting collection of people during an exciting time.
Warhol was a knob
My upgraded 500+ was the mac fucking daddy, it played all the best games, loved my amiga.
Dad you were fucking amazing, even though you had no fucking clue what I was talking about or asking for, big F.
What’s wrong with his hands.
He’s not even looking at the screen.