André 3000 talks about his new album and life after Outkast at a laundromat.
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André 3000 talks about his new album and life after Outkast at a laundromat.
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Hey ya, Andre.
>life after Outkast at a laundry mat.
Glad to hear they’re finally branching out to other venues.
Should have been a coffee shop.
Getting strong Being John Malkovich vibes in this album. What an absolute shift in musical styles.
Anyone else catch the “so fresh, so clean” on the detergent? Lol
I love the story about how he almost develops a relationship with an older lady who wants to share something of her homeland, but fucks it up because he’s a flake. Nice!
Dude is the most down to earth icon. I do hope one day he can put out a little solo rap project one of these years but honestly respect that he doesn’t just force it to appeal to fans. He’s just living his life, away from the spotlight, going to laundry mats and playing flutes. If we ever do get a 3 stacks rap album, you know it’ll be right.
Wait that Key and Peele sketch is real??
Pleasure to listen to him speak on his art, such a mellow vibe!
Hypochondriac, hanging out at the laundromat
Album sucks. End thread
Why. Does your breath. Smell like. Birdseed.
I blame Erykah Badu for Oukast going away, ever since Andre fucked her he hasn’t been the same dude. The dude was always had a unique personality and dress style but after she got into his life he leaned into that 110% and it changed him forever.
Erykah Badu was the dividing line between old school Andre and the in-touch-with-mother-earth Andre 3000.
I’m happy Andre is in a peaceful and enlightened mindset, but I seriously miss the old Outkast. They are in my top 5 hiphop group list of all time (up there with Wutang, Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, etc). I used to listen to their stuff going all the way back to Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik era.
Btw, Erykah Badu also fucked Common Sense and there was a dividing line in his behavior too. The before and after Common. If you follow that guy’s music too you can see it in the lyrics and behavior.
That girls pussy must have some fuckin kind of Druidic nature magic. She is like a Hiphop Pussy Shaman
Waiting for that colonoscopy rap
Greetings! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02cSc5a49LA
Forever ever? Bro is a genius
Just sharing that “A Life in the Day of Benjamin André” is a very underrated and amazing song.
nobody does laundry while 3000 is pretending to wash his draws
Ngl- I been digging the new album, it’s been great music to have on while I’m working.
What in the hipster fuck is this?
What a geniously interesting & humble interview.. great questions
This interview was alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright
The first six years that I lived in LA, I had to go down the street to use the laundromat. It was a block away so it was easy. I’d carry a big bag of laundry once a week, usually around the later part of the afternoon when the sun was starting to go down. I’d almost always do it on a weekday. I’d give the dude there six bucks and he’d give me a fistful of quarters. I’d load up my clothes all in one big industrial washer and then walk next door to the liquor store to get a diet coke. I’d usually listen to a podcast, but sometimes I just sat there in silence, waiting for my clothes. Then I’d put em in the dryer, set a timer, walk home, and then walk back when the timer went off.
The next two years in that apartment, my landlord let me use her laundry downstairs. It was super convenient and honestly it made my life a lot easier. I didn’t have to plan when to wash clothes anymore or strategically make sure I was there when the laundromat was open. And it was free! Then I moved into a different apt that had coin operated machines in the basement, and finally into a couple houses where I have my own in-unit ones.
In Philly earlier this year, my brother’s washer broke, and I had to transport a load of wet clothes in a big bag in a trunk of a lyft to a 24hr laundromat at midnight. I was so pissed off at the inconvenience, but I had a funeral the next day and absolutely needed to do laundry.
When I got to the laundromat, I was at my wit’s end. But when I got the quarters and loaded up the machine, I felt a moment of Zen for the first time in weeks. I was at peace under fluorescent lights. I got a diet coke from the machine. I listened to a podcast and smiled at other people doing laundry at midnight. I forgot how lovely laundromats can be. There’s nothing to do but…wait. You’re there to do one thing. You can actually slow down for a minute, be around people, and then when the clothes are out of the washer they’re super dry and you can fold them there and suddenly you have order restored. And it cost you like five bucks to have that feeling.
I know it’s massively annoying to depend on laundromats, especially the one closest to you that isn’t open 24hr. But in that cold Philly winter night in a very inconvenient state, I remembered that those six years I used a laundromat never felt like a chore or a burden, and that even then I really liked this little activity that got me out of my house.
All of this is to say: I get why Andre digs the laundromat. I have in unit laundry here and I love it, believe me. But I’m kind of feeling a trip to the laundromat today.
I got really excited about thew album and then I listened to it.
I feel like he’s trolling us.
And at the same time he isn’t.
Laundry 3000
When he says ok to playing flute for Z Baron and then just…. Blows into his flute for a bit… all excitement I had for this album evaporated
He should’ve named it “Album on shrooms”
…I’m sorry ms. Jackson …
Andre 3000 is a very interesting and unique soul. He seems to be a HSP. I’ve always loved him and felt a kinship with him.
The interviewer is awful
Still waiting for his Squarepusher collab.