“We will be manufacturing them exceedingly slowly. If you are in group 2 or higher (purchase made more than 8 seconds after preorders are live) you are anticipated to receive shipment in Q4 of 2048 or later.”
I tried getting a glow in the dark model . Had it in cart at 8:01 PDT . Sold out by the time I entered my address. Dont think ill get one of these either but ill try !
Fuck the timing on this is the worst. I will literally be on an international flight and there’s no way I’ll be able to try at one of these on fucking airplane internet.
Available on Sept. 29th. If these were not going to be so hard to aquire I would want to snag that red one.
Is the OG pocket still on back order?
If I play Wario Land 2 on the Atomic Purple one will I permanently recapture my childhood?
I really want to get my hands on that purple one but I think it’s going to sell out quick.
lol everything is Sold Out on their website XD
Had no idea this was a thing. Now I want one!
I tried to get the glow in the dark version, hesitated for a second, and it was sold out
Can’t wait for them to sell out on 12 seconds because they made 8 of them.
The red and green ones look dope! Are these for emulation?
limited editions of a product they cant even keep up the base version of
“We will be manufacturing them exceedingly slowly. If you are in group 2 or higher (purchase made more than 8 seconds after preorders are live) you are anticipated to receive shipment in Q4 of 2048 or later.”
I tried getting a glow in the dark model . Had it in cart at 8:01 PDT . Sold out by the time I entered my address. Dont think ill get one of these either but ill try !
Based choice to have Shrek repping the Green one
Fuck the timing on this is the worst. I will literally be on an international flight and there’s no way I’ll be able to try at one of these on fucking airplane internet.
Lol can you even buy a regular one without waiting months?