Sorry, can’t narrow it down completely, but he won the belt on December 26, 1983 from Bob Backlund and lost it January 23, 1984 to the Hulkster. So it’s from that timeframe.
At least it’s actually close to 1983, unlike some others I could point out.
I got to shake his hand back in the late 80s at an event in MI. I was starstruck. Also got to meet Andre the Giant and the Ultimate Warrior (though he may have been the Dingo Warrior at the time? Not sure). Iron Sheik was the nicest and talked to me and my buddy for like a whole minute which felt like forever to us. Oh yeah Rugged Ronnie Garvin was there too. Don’t think we got to meet him.
I used to see him at a gym in Allentown, PA where the old WWF (now WWE) used to film for TV. Coolest dude ever. Friendly and always willing to help. And funny as hell.
People were drawn to him. He’s the genuine article too. Came from Iran.
Sorry, can’t narrow it down completely, but he won the belt on December 26, 1983 from Bob Backlund and lost it January 23, 1984 to the Hulkster. So it’s from that timeframe.
At least it’s actually close to 1983, unlike some others I could point out.
Who didn’t love “Classy” Freddie Blassie?!?
One of my dads favorite wrestlers.
Loved the heels. Him, Flair anyone who was a bad guy and played it up.
RIP Sheik.
my all time favorite.
Isn’t that also Classy Freddy Blassie?
Shieky Baby 😔
Can’t see his pointy boots.
I got to shake his hand back in the late 80s at an event in MI. I was starstruck. Also got to meet Andre the Giant and the Ultimate Warrior (though he may have been the Dingo Warrior at the time? Not sure). Iron Sheik was the nicest and talked to me and my buddy for like a whole minute which felt like forever to us. Oh yeah Rugged Ronnie Garvin was there too. Don’t think we got to meet him.
RIP camel clutch man.
Don’t be the Jabroni and upvote this picture. RIP Sheik!
I break your back, and make you HUMBLE!
i didn’t know that sheik and jim duggan was kicked out the w w f driving around with drugs
True inspiration for Soda Popinski.
RIP legend 😔
Damn, a rare find of an actual photo of the Sheik, as opposed to a fake photo of the Sheik.
He was a great ambassador for wrestling
I will miss him and his glorious rants about Brian Blair forever.
RIP jabroni
Camel clutch!
Little did I know that he was a huge dead and phish fan.
Iron Sheik’s daughter is a morning DJ in Vancouver, Karen K.
If you don’t like this photo you’re a pencil neck geek!
I hope he meet death, break his back, make him humble.
Sheiky Baby #1!
That guy’s mustache benched 350 in its prime.
Did you ever hear Sheik on Howard Stern? That dude was nuts.
Sheik was a top class bad guy. We loved to hate him as children. As an adult, I have nothing but respect for him as a performer.
That’s not the Iron Sheik. That’s Col. Mustafa taking time off from the Iraqi army to wrestle.
Fuck you Hulk Hogan
Rest in Peace, Sheiky.
This one hurts.
Man I loved him and Nikolai Volkov together as a tag team!
“Iran #1! Russia #1! America I spit! Hack pooie!”
I used to see him at a gym in Allentown, PA where the old WWF (now WWE) used to film for TV. Coolest dude ever. Friendly and always willing to help. And funny as hell.
People were drawn to him. He’s the genuine article too. Came from Iran.
That’s how you use a selfie stick.