An acoustic performance from hardcore punks The Minutemen for Los Angeles public access, shortly before the death of D. Boon, 1985
An acoustic performance from hardcore punks The Minutemen for Los Angeles public access, shortly before the death of D. Boon, 1985 from OldSchoolCool
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I love these guys.
Double Nickels on the Dime is fucking incredible
What song is this, and why does the King of the Hill theme sound so similar?
All the way from Peeeedro
Our band could be your life
Real names be proof
Me and Mike Watt played for years
Punk rock changed our lives
Hi, I’m Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jackass!
This is great!! Thanks for posting
fuck, adam sandler put on some pounds
So mad that I missed them live!
Mike Watt is a bass god.
That was really cool!
Losing D. Boon was one of the worst things to ever happen to music, the guy had such talent, and when paired with Mike Watt they made some uniquely awesome music with lyrics that really make you think.
Holy shit it’s **Jackass**
Anyone who hasn’t needs to check out *We Jam Econo*
I was an extra in a video they filmed at a park in San Pedro in 1985. Decent guys.
Mike Watt IS a powerhouse.
They had such a unique sound for being in the hardcore scene. The Minutemen are the soundtrack for my 20s.
Don’t know why but I really seemed to have needed this. Totally boosted me for my night ☺️. Thank you.
Damn miss this guy’s voice.
I’m D. Boon welcome to Public Access.
If you call The Minutemen hardcore punks you are going to keep a lot of people who would love them from checking them out, and disappoint a lot of people looking for hardcore.
They were in the hardcore scene but their music is definitely not stereotypical hardcore.
Watt is one of the nicest dudes I’ve ever met. Was lucky enough to see most of the 1998 Watt and Black Gang Crew tour, and Banyan shows with Perkins and Nels Cline. Helped him load out his bass rig one night at the El Rey and dude just grappled me with the hugest bear hug and said, “thank you friend.”
That’s such a rad version.
this what punk is about right here
This is ELITE
C’mon, Am I the only idiot that thought this was the King of The Hill theme song?
Easily in my top 5 Groups.
Double Nickels on the Dime changed how I thought about music.
These guys were ultimate DIY band.
I heard they made DNOTD for $1100.
I was crushed at the news of d. boon’s death.
I was 22 and these guys just meant the world to me.
Thank you for posting this.
So beautiful! That song is singing in my ears!
Beautiful. Got to hang with Watt a few times and had one of my favourite telephone conversations ever with him. Great guy.
What a springy way to start my day ::pogos off to work::
I worked at a small club that booked firehose. Spent the day watching Mike interact with friends and fans. It was hard to tell who were old friends and who were people he had just met. He was genuine and kind to everyone. A one of a kind individual and an absolute character.
I didn’t know small town dads c. 2010 could make such cool music in the 80s.