Monday, March 17All That Matters

Amazon stops delivering packages in Jerome, residents left confused


  • Problem likely lies with Amazon switching from couriers to private contractors. Imagine your packages being delivered by DoorDash, because that’s exactly what it is. Private contractors are a lot more likely to refuse delivery.

    A good solution would be to dedicate an Amazon truck specifically for this town. They might also have to cut down deliveries from 2-day to a fixed twice-a-week schedule to balance the costs of delivering to this town.

  • As a person in AZ Jerome is not a fun drive into town from the south. But there are tons of Amazon places south so i don’t think that would be an issue. The town is not designed well though so it’s easy to get lost. For the people who thing drivers can refuse orders pre delivery you are wrong. They get a bulk order and have to go out. If they can’t find it then you would have to have evidence that they could easily find it.

  • I visited Arizona last year and stopped in Jerome. Super cool town, but I definitely think delivering packages there would be a big pain in the ass. Jerome is an old mining town on the side of a mountain, the roads are narrow and it’s really confusing to navigate. Despite it being a small town, it’s a tourist destination these days so delivery drivers would have to deal with a lot of traffic, as well. Hopefully they come up with a resolution, but yeah, I sure as hell wouldn’t want to deliver packages there.

  • I live in a town of about 2,500 and everything has to go to the post office as they will not deliver to my door (rural). I knew this living here that it would be like that… even with prime it takes 7 – 14 days here (with Amazon, somehow Wal-Mart can do next day).

  • Pay someone 50 cents per package and they aren’t going to want to go out of their way to deliver.

    Pay them 50 cents per package and they get to deliver them all at once to the police station – exactly what they want.

  • Used to work for an Amazon DSP and this kinda stuff is what I did on a regular basis. I worked in the South end of Denver all the way to Larkspur. What is confusing me, and many people are pointing out in the comments is, why isn’t Amazon just redirecting packages to USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc instead of their own delivery service. It sounds like Amazon unilaterally decided to expand to the town and probably much more like they do every other area, and for a while DSPs decided to deal with trouble but now DSPs are realizing that there is a significant issue with time vs compensation for delivery to the location and often drivers come back not being able to locate the drop off.

    Amazon uses a similar system to UPS and has a auto location feature that relies on previously accurate drop offs to establish reliable pinpointing. Meanwhile, the imbedded navigation system is horribly unreliable. My job at our DSP, including many other duties, was to analyze delivery shortfalls and report to Amazon issues in their system that are causing drivers confusion and delays as well as what inaccurate information has formed in their automatic system and why. And let me tell you, there are so many issues that can arise, I don’t care to start to list them here. But, imagine a new tech company literally trying to reinvent the wheel and build their own universal delivery service starting with zero information other than a third party map/address system that is vastly inferior to Google Maps/Bing Maps/Apple Maps/Waze.

    Amazon is a massive company trying to build out a global delivery service to rival all others. Jerome consists of such a small portion of that service, they simply don’t care and will continue to force the issue until it resolves itself with the DSPs.

  • And if it wasn’t for the News media reporting it and bringing it to light, a multinational corporation would essentially say fuck you, you figure it out. Journalism matters. Media matters.

  • Tl;dw After many years of regular service, Amazon suddenly stopped delivering packages to a small town, stating reasons like “roads too narrow,” “hills too steep,” “poor access,” which had never been problems before. Currently people are having all their packages delivered to the police station and picking them up there, but that’s obviously not sustainable (especially for the disabled guy who depended on delivery to his home). Amazon has so far replied with meaningless platitudes.

    Saved you a click and about 2 minutes 30 seconds.

  • I once dropped off a homeless hitchhiker at Jerome from Texas and he threatened to kill me. its roads are kinda confusing and you have alot of dead zones because of its altitude but its a cool little spot.

  • I love everything about this news bit. From the police chief doing an interview in sweats to the B&B owner with a moon tattooed on her forehead. If I was a US citizen, I might move there.

  • “Delivery partner.” That screams no benefits, low wage employees peeing in bottles because they are stacked with impossible routes they can’t finish in a reasonable amount of time, and whatever other negative exploitive things you can think of.

    This probably boils down to drivers who are tasked with delivering to this town, and they are like “I do not get paid nearly enough to get stuck with this in my truck… fuck this.”

    There is a possibility these drivers do not make an hourly wage, but rather a “per package delivered commission,” so this town is probably not remotely worth their compensation for going out there.

    Amazon utilizes many tactics where their drivers are not “employed by Amazon” but rather contracted out by a large number of “independent delivery partners” who in turn have fleets so small that there is no worry of unions etc. I believe I read that FedEx does something very similar, as compared to UPS which actually runs it’s own fleets and has unions (at least they did in Chicago.)

  • Small town commies. Free market decided you weren’t worth it, so be an American and death with it. Damn liberal hillbillies think they can get something just because everyone else does.


  • I just moved and I’m suddenly having the worst experience with the delivery drivers. At least once a week, I have packages not attempted to be delivered, or I’ve had packages go missing. I live in an apartment with a front desk that is staffed 24 hours a day, there’s literally never a reason for a package to be undeliverable.

    I ordered something on Sunday that was supposed to be here same day. It did not deliver on Sunday. There was no attempt to deliver yesterday or today. I talked to support, they said wait until Nov 17 (10 days from now) to see if it arrives. Amazon’s services has turned to complete shit the last couple years.

    And all your complaints to support are met with “I’m sorry this has happened to you, this is not how we expect to treat our valued customers. I assure you this will never happen again” and then it does. Worthless fucking support monkeys

  • Well in a republican Utopia, private companies can do whatever they want. I’m just a bit annoyed that Amazon didn’t utilize the USPS which is required by law to provide services to any address. There are some locations where the USPS is absolutely losing money because they have to hire a hovercraft, boat service, helicopter etc to deliver to far off addresses. No private company would ever take a hit the way the USPS does. I guarantee you that police chief is a republican, all cops are republicans, he probably has no problem with the free market until it impacts him.

  • Jerome when I was growin up was a place you didn’t really go to. Now Instagram has made it seem like a destination to go and it is pretty, but lemme tell you that small town ain’t big enough for not even the residents.

  • This is what happens when you stop using your own delivery service and contract it out.
    Your getting Uber Eats/ Menulog / Doordash service.
    Soon as the driver is annoyed that it might be a lil inconvenient for them or out of the way from the rest of their run, they will cancel your order or drop it elsewhere and take a generic “dropped off” pic next to a brick wall or something that looks nothing like your front door.

  • A good example of this new “start-up” capitalism.

    Make a service, offer it at a crazy discount and a loss to your business, make the populace dependent on it due to its low cost service and ability, then, slowly (in this case instantly) yank it away or increase the price to the point of detrement.

    Uber, Door Dash, Amazon, Netflix etc

  • This is the problem with privitization of services like this.

    USPS, for the common good, delivers everywhere. And their workers are compensated fairly (more or less) regardless of whether they deliver to an easy, dense suburb, or some rural spread out area.

    Amazon only sees the bottom line and squeezes and squeezes every penny at every point. So whether it’s them, or a subcontractor, there are times when they can’t profit in a situation, and bad things happen.

    I would guess that due to Amazon’s tight rules and pay restrictions, delivering to this town means the delivery groups can’t make money, and thus everyone is screwed… except for Amazon themselves.

  • I got a wonderful idea, lets privatize everything. No private company will ever fuck us up, they are only here because God.. or something.

    Perfect example how the New Order works, Company owns everything and can cancel your subscription at any moment for any reason.. Like.. voting for the wrong guy, saying bad things about them in social media or just… your little town not being profitable enough. They would skin your grandma alive if they could and it made a profit.

  • lol at a bunch of old people who are getting __serviced__ by the free market economy.

    If you want stuff delivered use USPS that will deliver it at a loss. Amazon isn’t interested in your unprofitable old asses.

    I say this because a lot of people move to these places top cut costs and payb less taxes, like the taxes “don’t benefit them in any way”.

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