March 21, 2023 by SinjiOnO [ad_1] Altitude sensors Altitude sensors from funny [ad_2] View Reddit by SinjiOnO – View Source
I loved the second little “blahhh!” that the first goat made while being lowered! March 21, 2023 at 3:56 am Reply
Imagine being hoisted into the air by a giant ape 10 times your size, Screaming for your life… March 21, 2023 at 11:10 am Reply
Goats, even little ones like these, can make one hell of a racket when they want to. They have so much spunk. March 21, 2023 at 12:43 pm Reply
Just think, before the internet people would just do this and we didn’t get to know about it March 21, 2023 at 1:32 pm Reply
When you hold goats make sure you support their butt with your hand. This is why the goats are crying here…. but they sure are cute as hell March 21, 2023 at 2:30 pm Reply
How would they sound in a plane? Just a constant ^”baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” ? March 21, 2023 at 4:06 pm Reply
Now I want a goat, dammit
Stop kidding around…
Goats are the GOAT
I goata get one of those
I loved the second little “blahhh!” that the first goat made while being lowered!
perfectly coordinated start and stop
Who do they think they are?
Baby goat kids are so cute.
Theres no way that sound is real. It sounds so cartoony
Lol. Go(at) Giants!
I wish I had a field filled with pygmy goats
Baby goats are cool
Imagine being hoisted into the air by a giant ape 10 times your size, Screaming for your life…
Goats, even little ones like these, can make one hell of a racket when they want to. They have so much spunk.
Just think, before the internet people would just do this and we didn’t get to know about it
Praying for a goat guy to come save me.
When you hold goats make sure you support their butt with your hand. This is why the goats are crying here…. but they sure are cute as hell
How would they sound in a plane? Just a constant ^”baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” ?
That’s why he’s the GOAT..The GOAATT
Baby goats are cute
This made my day!
Sounds like they need an altitude adjustment.