September 17, 2023 by jonwritesmovies [ad_1] Aliens these days [ad_2] View Reddit by jonwritesmovies – View Source
Millions of years of evolution ahead of us and they were only able to become my parents..? disappointing September 17, 2023 at 6:20 pm Reply
I’m aware my life is a joke but i never considered it to be funny… September 17, 2023 at 10:11 pm Reply
So basically its like being probed.
Millions of years of evolution ahead of us and they were only able to become my parents..? disappointing
“Can’t you rather do that anal probe thing?”
I nose that candy eating bastard is talking smack.
I’m aware my life is a joke but i never considered it to be funny…
What a logical joke.
there never were any aliens, just dudes with laserlight
Pain, aliens. It is all pain.