Alabama public high school lunch.
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Alabama public high school lunch.
View Reddit by JacksonAngiulli – View Source
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Is that actual chili
Can I have your tots
Looks very tasty.
My high school didn’t put any effort into our school lunches..
You guys put a lot of meat in yo chili
Dang. Forgive me for being surprised, but your state does some things right.
Is it like this all over the state? Or just in certain areas, like Huntsville?
Not a fan of chili but that looks like a good lunch. I feel bad for the teachers in last period who have to smell all the kids who ate chili for lunch.
So it’s the good lunch today.
I know someone got their tots stolen that day

That looks good AF better than a military meal MRe
Looks like a square meal to me. I’ve had worse public school lunches.
That chili looks like they cooked burgers yesterday. But, honestly it does look good.
You gonna eat your tots?
Looks great except for the styrofoam, that shit should be banned.
This unlocked a memory. I’m 30 mins NW of Hsv. I love salad but sometimes it’s the shitty lettuce, shredded cheddar, and ranch combo I HAVE to have. Instilled from childhood I suppose.
Is that… polystyrene?!
Overall lunch is better than when I grew up in ‘bama but W T F at a styrofoam tray. Seriously?
That’s a pretty decent looking school lunch, TBH
This actually looks pretty tame and reasonable compared to some of the other things I have seen
We know y’all eat good in Alabama. Now show us your books.
Looks way better than dude with a lunchable lol
Chili day was the shit. You’re missing the Texas Pete hot sauce packets.
When I grew up in the 70s in the Deep South I had actual friends named Pork Chop and Tater. I have never ever learned their real names.
This school lunch somehow reminded me of that.
Can someone please tell me what that strawberry stuff is?
I’m taking that chili and pouring some of it over the tots and then sprinkling some shredded cheese over it.
That looks pretty solid actually
Hey Napoleon give me some of your tots
Could be worse.
Looks pretty good to me.

That actually looks good
That looks pretty good to be honest
At least three of those courses — the chili, the tots, the iceberg lettuce with shredded cheese — appear to have changed not one iota since I was a kid in Birmingham. Just remarkable, if slightly disturbing, consistency.
(Although I’m nostalgic for that chili, I’m not gonna lie.)
That looks fucking awesome