Al Puccini in Heat (this scene was filmed in December of 1984, so I can totally post it here)
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Al Puccini in Heat (this scene was filmed in December of 1984, so I can totally post it here)
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Al Puccini is his new name
You mean 1994
Does he sing in between scenes?
I’m starting to realise that there may not be a single correct word in that title.
To correct myself: “Al **Pacino** in Heat (this scene was filmed in December of **1994**, so I can totally post it here)
Pacino , 1995
Ai Picinni.
Edit: Ay Piccini, his spanish cousin.
Puccini is the best of actors. I loved him in ScarPenis
Loved Al Puccini in Madame Butterfields!
In my top 10 movies. This is just before he kills Tom Sizemore .
Kilmer rocked this flick
sure some respect, it is Captain Puccino
It’s not AL anymore, it’s Dunk!
Dunkaccino? Don’t mind if I do! What’s my name? Dunkaccino! What’s my name? DUNKACCINO! Everybody wants my Dunkaccino!
Did you have a stroke?